- extension to increase capacity 扩建增容
- But many opportunities for improvement; to increase capacity of laws; strengthen laws; reduce overlaps; improve links. 仍然存在完善的方面,在加强立法和法律能力、减少立法重叠、加强法律衔接。
- Used by more than 200 terminals in over 50 countries, Navis'TOS helps you optimize operations to increase capacity, service, and profitability. Navis码头管理系统现已被44个国家的175个码头使用,它能帮助客户优化运营,提高处理能力、服务水平和收益。
- With money available for the asking, industry is torn between bagging some to increase capacity further or to decant into the stock market. 资金唾手可得,企业有两种选择:贷款用于进一步扩大产能,或者将它投入股市。
- We built an extension to our house. 我们扩建了我家的房屋。
- Sabri said that the Middle East airlines are facing the most serious problem are likely to increase capacity and shrinking demand. 萨布里说,中东地区航空公司面临的最严峻问题是运力可能大幅增加而需求逐渐萎缩。
- We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。
- The oil market on Tuesday shrugged off a Saudi Arabian pledge to increase capacity; sending crude prices to fresh highs above $50 a barrel amid concerns that high fuel prices would hit global economic growth. 石油市场周二无视沙特提高产能的承诺,将油价推至每桶50美元以上的新高,而人们正在担心高油价将打击全球经济增长。
- He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。
- This paper presents a method to increase capacity of single chip computer memory which breaks through 64 kbytes applications direct addressing range of single chip computer system, and realizes program jumping and calling across 64 kbytes address space. 提出了一种扩大单片机程序存储器容量的方法 ,突破了单片机系统 6 4kbytes应用程序直接寻址范围 ,并实现了跨越 6 4kBytes地址空间的程序跳转和调用。
- He's got an extension to finish writing his thesis. 他获准延期交论文.
- We are trying to increase our membership. 我们正准备增收会员。
- Ports across Europe have also struggled to increase capacity, and analysts expect any delays on the west coast to have knock-on effects for shipping schedules and tonnage rates around the world. 欧洲各地的港口也一直在竭力增加港口吞吐量,分析师预计,西海岸出现任何延误,都将对世界各地的海运进度和运费产生连锁反应。
- Extension Intended Extension To Y. M. D. 申请延长至年月日。
- They applied for an extension to their visas. 他们申请延长签证有效期限。
- There is a growing need in sulphuric acid plants to increase capacity of existing mist eliminator instal- lations without significant vessel modifications for minimizing overall cost. 越来越多的硫酸装置要求在不过多改动壳体的情况下提高除雾器的处理能力,以降低总费用。
- This object is an extension to HTML . 此对象是对HTML的扩展。
- Dong Mingzhu says: "Competition is to increase capacity further, progress jointly, not be a deathtrap of park of the other side, want to enough bosom accommodates others and us to grow jointly. 董明珠说:“竞争是为了进一步提高能力,共同进步,不是把对方置于死地,要有足够的胸怀容纳别人与我们共同成长。”
- The company is aim to increase productivity. 该公司的目的在于提高生产率。
- I would like to build an extension to my house, but I'm up to the hilt on my mortgage so I'll have to leave it a few years. 我想把的房子扩建一下,但我的抵押已经全部用完,因此我不得不搁数年再说了。