- exterior honest and credit 外部诚信
- SBTC will exert itself to communicating productors with users in the line with belief that honest and credit shoud be supreme. 沈阳倍多贸易有限公司将本着信用至上的原则,致力于省内外及国内外的钢材厂商与用户之间的沟通与合作,架起产销对路的桥梁,搞活钢材流动领域。
- We also gained all customers prise at home and abroad because of our management purpose ” good quality , little profit ,honest and credit ” ,especially the exquisite technology and high quality . 并以“保质,诚信,重义,轻利”的经营宗旨,赢得国外客户的广泛称赞,尤其对精湛的工艺和一丝不苟的质量保证赞不绝口。
- The Co is honest and creditable and offers high quality and good service. 公司重合同,守信誉,热情周到地为用户提供高质量的产品。
- The principle of honest and credit 诚实信用原则
- Medvedev said Russia's foreign policy during his presidency will be predictable, honest and creditable, while preserving the interest of the Russian people. 梅德韦杰夫说到;在其任职期间俄罗斯的外交政策将是具有前瞻性的;真诚而可信;并将一直维护俄罗斯人民的利益.
- We must be honest and faithful to the people. 我们对人民必须忠诚老实。
- He was an honest and incorruptible official. 他为官清廉。
- Paving tile for the social security system with honest and credit 用诚信为社保铺路
- This person is honest and dependable. 这个人诚实可靠。
- The management of money, banking, investments, and credit. 财政管理对资金、银行业、投资和信贷的管理
- I will warrant him an honest and reliable man . 我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。
- Perfect stardard and put honest and credit service into pratice 完善医德规范与践诺诚信服务
- An honest and happy pride I took in it. 我从中感到一种真正的、令人欣慰的骄傲。
- The land evaluate trade should obey the rules of honest and credit 土地估价行业应以诚信立身
- His philosophy was honest and simple. 他的哲学是诚实和直率。
- Lucidity has been honest and continued intention. 晓畅即是他忠实不渝的志趣。
- Economics interests itself in money and credit. 经济学关心货币和信贷。
- She is honest and sincere to John, really. 她确实对约翰是实心实意。
- The judge is an honest and upright official. 那位法官是个清官。