- He is just listening in external of that room. 他正在那房间的外面留神听着。
- The new laws empower the police to search private house. 新的法律使警察得以搜查私人住宅。
- The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street. 新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权利。
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- She sets great store by external politeness. 她很注重表面的虚礼。
- external empower 外部赋权
- I empower my agent to make the deal for me. 我授权我的代理人处理此项交易。
- Why empower the knowledge worker? 为什么授与权力知识工人?
- Our external trade has expanded during recent years. 我国的对外贸易近几年来有所发展。
- He judge people by mere external clothes rather than internal character. 他判断人只靠着外表的衣服而不是内在的品格。
- The role of the chief exec is to empower the team. 总经理的作用就是让手下全体同仁有职有责。
- The metal or plastic external structure of a motor vehicle. 车身机动车的金属和塑料的外部结构
- The truth is that God will empower you. 真理就是,神要加力给你。
- Empower them to help and be themselves. 支持他们张扬个性。
- Love and peace is hard to empower with words. 提起爱心与和平,我说不出什么绚烂华丽的词语。
- Promote gender equality and empower women. 三、提倡性别的平等教育,提高女性学习。
- External torques arise from outside the system. 外转矩是由系统外部生产的。
- Knowledge is power. Empower your knowledge. 知识涉猎多面向,阅读时间不能少。
- Fluid motion caused by an external force such as gravity. 流体运动由重力等外力引起的流体运动
- What does it take to empower love? 那么要怎么做什么才能为爱赋予力量呢?