- Turn on the carrier gas, and establish the proper flow rate. 接通载气,调至合适地流速。
- The molecular separator is present to remove most of the carrier gas. 分子分离器可除去绝大部分载气。
- An aqueous caustic solution removes carrier gas impurities harmful to the detector cell. 苛性碱溶液去除运载气体中对检测元件有害的杂质。
- Confirm carrier gas flow through the column. Immerse the end of the column in a vial of acetone and check bubbles. 确保载气通过了柱子。将柱尾端入丙酮中检查气泡。
- This function will help user to complete the whole carrier gas system test with a vial and get a high reliability. 使分析质量更为可靠。如图所示,用户选定泄漏测试,仪器将进入全流路泄漏测试(包括样品瓶在内的),最大限度地保证仪器可靠性。
- The carrier gas is supplied to the instrument at constant pressure from a cylinder. 载气一般由压缩钢瓶供给,并要使载气压力恒定。
- A carrier gas filter system is recommended to be installed on the Helium line (He). 在氦气管路前面建议安装气体净化装置。
- The less influential factor is temperature.Flowrate of carrier gas has a footy factor on Hg removal rate. 热解时间对脱汞效果影响最大,热解温度次之,载气流速的影响很小。
- In Gas Liquid Chromatography a mixture of vapors is carried in a stream of helium (carrier gas) through a column. 在气液色层分析中,蒸气的混合物由源源不断的氦气(载气)带入柱中。
- The influence of the half-lives of superheavy elements, the flow rate of carrier gas and other factors on the experimental results were discussed. 讨论了超重元素的半衰期、吸附态的周期、载气流量以及化合物的质量密度等对实验结果的影响及该理论模型的优点和待改进的地方。
- The results indicated a strong interaction between the effect of carrier gas flow through the liner and temperature on the normalised areas. 这些参数对分析结果准确度的影响比较明显而对重复性不太明显。
- Operating conditions including RF power, carrier gas pressure, model of nebulizer, Uranium concentration of sample, dwell time, etc are optimized. 对高频发生器入射功率、载气压力、雾化器类型、最佳铀含量范围、通道停留时间、数据采集时间和测量数次等进行优化,得到了优化的操作条件。
- The dechlorination of PVC by thermal decomposition with different heating methods and carrier gas characteristics were studied. 为了使含氯废塑料能喷入高炉必须进行脱氯处理,研究了热解脱氯时加热方式及载气性质对脱氯率的影响。
- And the usually inert gas (mainly nitrogen) as the carrier gas pyrolysis technology, has the advantages of vacuum pyrolysis. 与通常以惰性气体(主要是氮气)作为载气的热解技术相比,真空热解具有优越性。
- SiC thin films of large area were prepared successfully in a plasma-enchanced CVD reactor at room temperature, with silane and ethene used as raw materials and Ar as carrier gas. 采用射频等离子体增强的气相沉积法,以硅烷和乙烯为原料,在常温下成功的合成了碳化硅薄膜。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 这种超强度胶应该管用。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一个螺钉。