- One extra dimension can be wrapped up only in a circle. 一个额外维度只能缠绕成一个圈圈。
- He is a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension. 他是一个优秀新闻工作者,并具备诸方面条件.
- An extra dimension? How would you know? snapped the nagging voice in my head. 全新的视角?你怎么知道的?挑剔的声音又在我头脑里作怪了.
- "Reportage" has taken on an extra dimension as a result of recent French influence. 由于近来受到法语影响,“reportage”又多了一层含义。
- To understand where the extra dimension comes from, start by considering one of the gluon strings on the boundary. 为了了解那额外维度从何而来,我们先来看边界上的一条胶子弦。
- "X" is for the "X" factor, seeking the extra dimension in yourself and in people, finding the winning trait in each person. 代表未知因素,发掘自己和他人的过人之处,发现每个人身上所独有的魅力。
- From the boundary particle theory, quantum gravity and an extra dimension emerge when the equations are analyzed the right way. 同样的,如果循正确的途径分析方程式,就能从边界粒子理论中,解读出量子重力论与额外维度。
- Consider a closed string (a loop) located on a cylindrically shaped space, whose circular cross section represents one finite extra dimension. 考虑一条闭弦(一个圈圈),位于一个圆柱形的空间中,而圆柱截面的圆周就表示一个有限的额外维度。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- Some newer theories such as string theory do postulate extra dimensions, but as our three-dimensional universe expands, it does not need these extra dimensions to spread into. 有些新潮的理论如弦论,的确假设了额外的维度,但是当我们的三维宇宙膨胀时,并不需要这些额外的维度供其扩张。
- That knowledge could in turn open the door to exotica such as extra dimensions and low-energy superstring phenomena. 这些知识可能敲开一扇门,通往一个崭新未知世界,例如超高维空间和低能超弦现象。
- Non-commutativity is also studied in the quantum gravitational theory, cosmology and extra dimensions. 此外非对易还用于量子引力,宇宙学,额外维度等理论。
- In string theory we have several extra dimensions, which results in many more adjustable parameters. 在弦论里,我们有数个额外维度,结果产生更多的可调参数。
- It is assumed that the extra dimensions of M-theory must in some way be squashed down to a size that we can't see. 人们认为M-理论的额外维度的必须以某种方式塞进到我们所不能看见的尺度里。
- The extra dimensions introduce a correction term into the equations, which ensures that the curvature of an empty brane is not zero. 额外维度在方程式中引进了一个修正项,该修正项确保了一个即便是空的膜其时空曲率亦不为零。
- If the extra dimensions of space were to change in size, the “constants” in our three-dimensional world would change with them. 假如额外空间维度的大小改变,我们三维空间世界里的常数也许会随著变动。
- This distinction offers a second reason not to see the extra dimensions: our instruments may be built of particles that are trapped on a brane. 这项区别提供了我们看不见额外维度的第二个理由:我们的仪器是使用被困在膜里的粒子所建造的;
- The possibility of extra dimensions has also come to play a vital role in unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics. 额外维度的可能性也同样在统合广义相对论与量子力学时,扮演非常重要的角色。
- String theorists, who seek to unify the laws of gravity with those of quantum mechanics, have long predicted the existence of extra dimensions. 弦论企图整合重力和量子力学,也一直预测额外维度的存在。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。