- So, I'm guessing you had an extra ticket and couldn't decide which one of you got to bring a date? 一定是你们多了一张票,找不到人一起去看
- Make sure there isin't a whole enemy squad around the body, the revive will likely be pointless, as you will both end up dead, and you will cost your team an extra ticket. 确定尸体附近是否有敌人小队包围着。这样的情况去救人是没有意义的。这只会去送死。并且消耗点数。
- Well, okay! That's that. Warren, I hope you can get rid of those extra tickets. 好吧!算啦,华伦,我希望你能把多余的票处理掉。
- Today (Tuesday) is the final day members and season ticket holders exclusively can purchase two extra tickets per person (no more than three tickets in total per member/season ticket holder), before seats go on general sale. 今天(星期二)是俱乐部会员/季票拥有者独享的额外购买两张球票的最后期限(每个俱乐部会员/季票拥有者最多购买3张),之后球票会正式发售。
- "This is an example of the broader negative societal stigma that is very frequently targeted to obese individuals," Puhl said."You simply cannot charge people for extra tickets. “这是整个社会越加广泛针对肥胖人士进行侮辱的又一佐证,”普尔说,“航空公司根本不该向他们收取额外票价。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
- Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here? 是否可在此购买观光巴士券?
- Firstclass ticket to Birmingham, please. 请给买一张到伯明翰的头等票。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 这种超强度胶应该管用。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- He hasn't got a ticket and neither have I. 他没有票,我也没有。
- He is given a free ticket to the exhibition. 有人给他一张免费参观展览的票。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。
- All right! Sting is coming! I have to get a ticket. 好棒!斯汀要来!我得买张票!
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一个螺钉。
- I booked a ticket through to Peking. 我预定了到北京的直达车票。
- He paid the extra cost without a murmur. 他付了额外的费用而毫无怨言。
- I want to book a ticket for Harbin. 我要买一张去哈尔滨的车票。