- extrace ventilator 抽风器
- Maybe the ventilator is the problem. 可能问题出在通风装置上。
- After three days she was taken off the ventilator. 三天之后给她摘掉了呼吸器。
- He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. 他只有靠呼吸器呼吸。
- The inverter reconstyunction of mine ventilator. 矿用通风机的变频改造。
- Remove rocker arm cover and ventilator hose (A). 卸开摇臂杆盖和通风管(A)。
- The design of this ventilator is very new. 这个排风扇的式样很新颖。
- He's stable on the ventilator, oxygenating well. |呼吸器使他情况稳定; 供氧正常.
- A: May the ventilator have a trial run? 通风机可以试车吗?
- The antagonist naloxone could not reverse the analgesic effect of HE extrac... 结论:淫羊藿水提取液有明显的镇痛作用。
- Harmful gases must be drawn out by centrifugal ventilator. 有害气体必须通过离心式通风装置排出。
- What is the usual process of initial weaning from the ventilator? 初步脱离呼吸机的一般程序是什么?
- The room has too few windows. A ventilator must be installed. 这间屋子的窗户太少,必须得安个换气扇。
- The room installed with stoves should have powerful ventilator. 安装灶具的房间必须安装强力换气扇。
- The ventilator whooshed as it pushed air into his lungs. 呼吸器嗖嗖地把空气推进他的肺部。
- The ventilator in the engine room should be refitted. 机舱通风应改装。
- We had to stuff the ventilator shafts up to stop the smoke entering the room. 为了阻止烟冲进室内,我们只好把通风道堵起来。
- This is the extrace of australian tea tree,which can tone the skin deeply and absorb overmuch fatty. It is regarded as a natual defense element. 萃取年澳洲茶树精华,能深层调理肌肤,收敛过盛油脂分泌,是一种天然的防御因子。
- In mountainous highway tunnel,ventilator chambers are usually needed. 山地公路隧道中,出于通风等需要,往往需要设置风机洞室群。
- The characteri stic and applications for W/Mo separation b y solvent extraction are summarized and the future development of solvent extrac tion in W/Mo separation is prospected. 综述萃取法分离钨钼各种方法特点及其应用情况,讨论萃取法未来发展方向。