- extramarital cohabitation [法] 非婚同居
- Cohabitation without legal marriage. 非法同居没有合法婚姻关系的同居
- We should discourage extramarital affairs. 我们应该遏止婚外情。
- John Edwards admits to an extramarital affair. 约翰.;爱德华承认婚外情。
- First cohabitation bring the feeling of guilty. 首先,婚前同居会给双方的心理带来内疚感。
- Is extramarital affair body need or love need? 婚外情是身体需要还是爱情需要?
- I had an extramarital affair with my secretary. 例句我和我的秘书有了婚外情。
- Extramarital affairs a no-no for officials. 四川眉山严禁官员与异性不正常交往。
- She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding. 她拒绝在婚礼前与他同居。
- College students should be allowed to cohabit. 大学生应该被允许同居。
- Postgraduates should be allowed to cohabit. 研究生应该允许同居。
- Postgraduates should not be allowed to cohabit. 研究生不应该允许同居。
- Some people choose to cohabit rather than marry. 有些人选择同居而不结婚。
- What's your opinion about cohabit? 对婚前同居的看法?
- Thousands of people cohabit without being married. 数以千计的人没有结婚就同居。
- Should university students be allowed to cohabit? 应该允许/不允许大学生同居?
- They cohabit together without being married. 他们末婚同居.
- This is the 12-bed long-term do not cohabit. 就是上一两此床也不要长期姘居。
- Extramarital infection was the major source of STD transmission. 非婚性接触是性病传播的一个最主要感染源。
- Do you know he has an extramarital affair/cheat on his wife. 你知道他有外遇/欺骗他妻子吗?