- At the same time the Faraday rotators were simplified in the analysis.The tracks of extraordinary ray were emphasized especially. 把光轨迹根据介质的不同分为若干段,法拉第旋转器作为平行平板,等效为空气介质处理,从而使结构和计算简洁化。
- principal plane of extraordinary rays 非常光主(轴)平面
- principal index for extraordinary ray 非常光线舟射率
- Refracrive Law of the Extraordinary Ray in Uniaxial Crystal 非常光线在单轴晶体中的折射定律
- Discussion of the index of refraction of extraordinary ray in Nicol's prism 尼科耳棱镜中非常光折射率的讨论
- He married a girl of extraordinary beauty. 他娶了一位非常美丽的姑娘。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- She wears the most extraordinary get-ups. 她穿著最不寻常的衣裳。
- Oh, that's really extraordinary! 哦,真是离奇极了!
- Radioactive ray is material thing. 放射线是实际的物质。
- Her talents are quite extraordinary. 她才华出众。
- He is full of extraordinary ideas. 他满脑子都是离奇的想法。
- A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. 舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠
- Refraction regularity of extraordinary ray in uniaxial crystal with arbitrarily oriented optical axis 单轴晶体光轴任意取向时非寻常光的折射规律
- The gun can fire invisible rays. 这枪能发出看不见的射线。
- My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light. 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。
- All eyes directed their rays on the hero. 所有人的目光都汇集到那位英雄身上。
- She smiled with an extraordinary niceness. 她笑得异常甜美。
- The researches are concerned with alpha rays. 这些研究是关于阿尔法射线的。
- Remarkable or extraordinary; wonderful. 奇异的不寻常的或特别的; 奇妙的