- extremely shallow depth 超浅埋
- A shallow depth, a string is charming, beautiful beaches. 深一脚,浅一脚,串起来是迷人的沙滩美景。
- A submarine ridge of relatively shallow depth which separates basins. 低的海底脊分开盆地的一种相当浅深度的海底脊。
- Officials say the quake is remarkable in that it was extremely shallow, just nine kilometers below the sea surface. 官员们说,这次地震的震感相当强烈,因为地震发生在地表层很浅的地方,仅在海平面以下9公里。
- GPR has been widely used in geological exploration at shallow depth with good results. 摘要地质雷达(GPR)探测技术在浅层地质勘探领域广泛应用,并取得较好的应用效果。
- If have extremely shallow color of skin, if the lipstick that cool color moves is pink, amaranthine wait to combine line most. 假如拥有极浅肤色,冷色调的唇膏如粉红、紫红等便最合衬了。
- The new Fox Sanxiang the centre console after a careful design, the shallow depth of color with the upgrading of the entire space inside the grade. 新款福克斯三厢的中控台经过了精心的设计,上深下浅的颜色搭配提升了整个车内空间的档次。
- The shallow depth of the lakes and channels and partial isolation of some areas probably encouraged these high speciation rates. 另外,湖泊、河道深度较浅,加上部份地区的相互隔离,或许也助长了物种形成的速度。
- Three resistivitycurves obtained at deep, middle, and shallow depth of investigation are notoverlapped with each other, and porosity indicated by AC, CNL, and DEN is low. 砂岩的自然电位为负异常,自然伽马为低值,电阻率较低,深、中、浅三条电阻率曲线不重叠,声波时差、中子和密度曲线反映孔隙度偏低。
- As the shallow depth and poor geological conditions, the surrounding rocks are always soft, fragmentized or intensively disintegrated rock mass with partial pressure. 在浅埋条件下,地层的条件也相对较差,一般为软岩、破碎岩体或高风化岩体且带有一定的偏压。
- The thin dam, the macropores material in the same water depth, or the same material in the shallow depth would lead the moving speed of delta to be fast. 试验发现,坝体厚度愈厚、水流强度弱及填充石材孔隙小之坝体囚砂效益越佳。
- In hydrogeology field, groundwater survey data have thecharacteristic of wide area, shallow depth, and also lack ofenough geologic information about research area. 地下水系统三维模型的建立存在着区域广、深度浅、资料少的特点。
- In Henan oilfield, the heavy oil reservoir has shallow depth, high viscosity, and unconsolidated formation with high porosity, high permeability and high oil saturation. 河南浅层特超稠油油层成岩程度低,储层松散,具有孔隙度大、渗透率高、含油饱和度高的特点。
- The ground pregrouting and pipe-roof protection method have been adopted to treat the soft wall rocks of shallow depth near the portal of Wulong tunnel in Yuhuai railway. 摘要采用地表预注浆和管棚超前预支护技术,对渝怀铁路武隆隧道进口段的浅埋、软弱围岩进行处理。
- Abstract: Introduceing the pedestrian subway construction method works and fitted technical measures with the shallow depth and covered cut method at the saturated sand layer in the city in the light of Pedestrian Subway of Xiangxi-Road Works. 文摘:结合向西路地下人行通道工程实例,介绍城市饱和含水砂层中采用浅埋暗挖法修建地下人行通道施工方法和配套技术措施。
- The velocity models obtained by using different data selection criteria and parametrization display similar basic features,showing a high P wave velocity at shallow depth in the SE quadrant, in close connection with a high gravimetric Bouguer anomaly. 选择了几种判别标志与参数化办法以显示其类似的基本特征。 表明在火山的东南象限在浅层,有P波的高速分怖,它同布格重力高异常有密切关系。
- Due to the low sample loadability and shallow depth of microchannels, the sensitivity of microchip electrophoresis is limited, especially when optical detector is used for detection. 由于可容纳样品体积少及蚀刻管道的光径短,使得微晶片电泳的灵敏度在以光学侦测器为侦测手段时受到限制。
- Yibin Jialingjiang reservoir is one of the back-up natural resources.It has the characteristics of low porosity,low permeability,normal pressure,low natural deliverability and shallow depth. 宜宾潜伏构造嘉陵江组气藏是川西南气矿的后备资源之一,有低孔、低渗、常压、自然产能低、埋藏浅等特点。
- The result shows that on matter which construction order is adopted, the midwall will always slant to the side of shallower depth of cover. 结果表明:不管采用哪一种施工顺序,中墙均受偏压荷载的作用并向埋深较浅侧倾斜。
- The reward of this company is extremely bountiful. 这家公司的奖金是非常慷慨的。