- eye right lower lid 右下眼睑
- right lower lid, eye 右下眼睑
- Raise the upper eyeli d with the left middle finger,pull down the lower lid with right middle finger. 用左手的中指按住右上眼睑向上撑开,用右手中指撑开下眼睑。
- Upper lid entropion involves the eyelashes rubbing on the eye, but the lower lid usually has no eyelashes, so hair rubs on the eye. 上眼睑内翻导致睫毛摩擦眼球,而下眼睑通常没有睫毛,因此下眼睑内翻引起毛发摩擦眼球。
- Slit-lamp examination of this patient revealed that on adducting his left eye, the ulcerated corneal margin comes into direct contact with the cap of the lower lid PP. 后在一次裂隙灯检查中发现左眼内转时,角膜溃疡边界和略突出的硅胶栓帽边相接,边缘形状和帽边吻合。拔除栓子碎片和整体后一周溃疡愈合。
- After the flight ends, appear gammy, coma of right lower limbs. 飞行结束后出现跛行,右下肢麻木。
- The little cocker spaniel quivering in a cage caught my eye right away. 这个小家伙蜷缩在笼子里,立刻吸引了我的目光。
- Conclusions The facial appearance is improved by the above operations in cases who have worn artificial eye a long time, particularly the insertion of Medpor for correction of lower lid chalasis. 结论通过上述手术可使长期配戴义眼患者的外观改善,特别是聚乙烯复合体眼睑插片用于治疗下睑松驰无力临床疗效满意。
- She'll scratch your eyes right out. 她会把你的眼睛挖出来。
- Why is my eye right is sunshine sensitive? See sunshine can feel aching? 为什么我的眼睛会对阳光敏感?见到阳光会感到疼痛?
- Its convex border should project far into the right lower lung field. 其凸出缘应深深地突入右下肺野内。
- At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot. 有时疼痛放射到右下肢后侧,一直到脚部。
- Aim To investigate the operative techniques and results of correction of senile spastic entropion of lower lid. 目的探讨老年性痉挛性下睑内翻的手术方法和效果。
- Left design, not a bullet point in the right lower Recharge cartridge. 左键设计,子弹没了点右下的Recharge装子弹。
- Ectropion (eyelid folding outward) is a common condition in dogs, usually affecting the lower lid. 眼睑外翻是一种常见的犬病,通常影响下眼睑。
- Settling into the blocks he grimaced repeatedly and rubbed his right lower leg. 在进入起跑位置时,他多次显露出苦脸,并抚摸自己的右脚踝部。
- In the meanwhile, a bulging mass was noted over the right lower abdominal wall. 经腹部超音波及计算机断层检查后,诊断为腹腔内囊肿。
- D. I ect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesio by gently depre ing lower lid with thumb pre ed agai t bony orbit. Ask client to look up. 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠在眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。。
- Inspect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesions by gently depressing lower lid with thumb pressed against bony orbit. Ask client to look up. 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠住眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。
- Direct your eye right inward, and you'll find A thousand regions in your mind Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be Expert in home-cosmography. 快把你的视线转向内心,你将发现你心中有一千处地区未曾发现。那末去旅行,成为家庭宇宙志的地理专家。