- eyes to run with tears 流泪
- She does for the ink is run with tears. 她说了,这信纸上还有泪痕。
- I am prepared to run with anyone you want to name. 我准备跟你指定的任何人进行赛跑。
- She implored him with tears in her eyes to forgive her. 她含泪哀求他原谅她。
- He likes to run with the honest people. 他喜欢与诚实的人为伍。
- Q6 - What homebrew will I be able to run with HEN? 问:什么样的主机能够用HEN运行?
- She was seen to run up the stairs with tearing in her eyes. 有人看见她含着眼泪跑上楼梯。
- The lost child's face ran with tears. 这个走丢了的孩子脸上流着泪。
- Let them hasten to intone a funeral song, and let us weep, our eyes running with tears. 叫她们迅速前来,对我们啼哭,使我们的眼睛流下眼泪,使我们的睫毛涌出泪水,
- He was hauled down from behind when he tried to run with the ball. 他想携球跑时,对方球员从后面把他抱住并绊倒。
- I open Heart for my eyes to see The skyline is so sad This morning it finds me cry With tears of uncrowned King. 我用心的眼睛眺望,地平线的哀伤。黎明里,它觉察到我的泪水,源自未加冕的吾王。
- When he was young,he used to run with some very undesirable types. 他在年轻时常同一些极不受欢迎的人往来。
- His eyes (were) misted with tears. 他泪眼模糊了。
- Sorrow there was, it is true, but only a mellow phase of it, a vague uncertainty and wonder, which would sometimes cause her eyes to fill with tears. 悲哀,她原是有的,却只是悲哀之柔和的态相,只是一种模糊的猜测和惊奇有时要使眼睛里充满着眼泪罢了。
- Others preferred to run with the wolves, raising litters of cubs. 另一些则与狼同行,饲养一窝窝的幼仔。
- Don't try to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds! 回楼主,打猎时都是很多猎狗追一条兔子,所以。
- His eyes moistened (with tears). 他的眼睛(给泪水)润湿了。
- One of the ground rules in basketball is not to run with the ball. 篮球中最基本的规则之一是不能抱着球跑。
- We should make the plan with an eye to the future. 我们作计划时应该考虑到将来。
- When he was young, he used to run with some very undesirable types. 他在年轻时常同一些极不受欢迎的人往来。