- fabled ancient grand canal 神话般的古运河
- Ancient Grand Canal in Eastern Zhejiang 浙东古运河
- The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty. 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。
- The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tienjin. 大运河在天津和海河汇合。
- The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin. 大运河在天津与海河汇合。
- The Grand Canal runs through the city of Wuxi. 大运河横穿无锡城区。
- One hundred windows overlooking the Grand Canal. 一百个窗口朝向威尼斯大运河。
- The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tianjin. 大运河在天津和海河汇合。
- The Grand Canal links up five big rivers. 大运河贯通五大河流。
- The elegant Beijiao River is connected with the ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. 美丽的北郊郊河与古运河相连。
- Yangzhou is a little charming city on the Grand Canal. 扬州是大运河边上一个妩媚华丽的小城。
- Refers to the well-known Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal. 就是著名的京杭大运河呀。
- It grew day by day under the nurture of the old Grand Canal. 它在古老运河的孕育中一天天地崛起。
- Cangzhou is an ancient city with long history.The Grand Canal is passing through its territory from the north to the south for about 214 kilometers. 沧州是一座有着悠久历史的古城,举世闻名的京杭大运河南北穿行沧州蜿蜒214公里,蕴育了沧州独特的民俗民风,留下了丰厚的历史文化积淀。
- The Grand Canal is still navigable in certain sections. 大运河有几段仍可以行船。
- They also visit the fabled ancient Greek cities of Asia Minor, the outposts of the Venetian Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean and the most magnificent achievements of the Pharaohs along the Nile. 也探访小亚细亚那些充满轶闻的古希腊城市、威尼斯帝国在东地中海的边塞聚落,以及尼罗河沿岸古埃及法老王的辉煌成就。
- It attracts the travelers for the Grand Canal and other historic sites. 它以大运河和其他一些古迹吸引着旅游者。
- Long ago and as the Ancient Grand Masters with the large headed arrived upon earth, they did not eat to subsist, but instead subsisted through the breath. 很久之前,当远古大头颅大师抵达地球时,他们并不用进食来维生,而是通过呼吸来维生。
- Vaporetto is one of the motorized boat-buses that ply the Grand Canal. “公共汽艇”是一种装有马达的,在大运河上定期来回,类似公共汽车的汽艇。
- Nowadays the ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal not only plays an important role in north-south transportation, but has also brought about a thriving industry corridor, resulting in the formation of the Grand Canal Economic Belt. 古老的京杭大运河如今不仅在贯通南北运输方面发挥重要作用,而且带动起一条欣欣向荣的工业走廊,形成了大运河经济带。