- From August 1985 through February 1991, 36 patients with traumatic facial palsy underwent transmastoid decompression of the facial nerve at CGMH. 本文讨论其术前检查、伴随症状、听力及术后评估和术中发现。
- Traffic accident is a common casuse of temporal bone fracture which might result in traumatic facial palsy. 摘要外伤性面神经麻痹多由车祸撞击头部造成,多伴有颞骨骨折之情形,且多发于20至30岁之年龄层。
- Objective To shorten the courses of the disease and increase the curative rate of Bell s facial palsy (BFP). 目的观察贝氏面瘫的疗程及治愈率。
- Three patients with otitic facial palsy failed to regain full facial function despite surgery. 耳炎性面瘫的患者有3人术后功能未能完全恢复。
- The authors conclude that electroacupuncture therapy is adoptable for idiopathic facial palsy during ac... 故认为在正确选择刺激参数的前提下,急性期电针治疗本病是可行的。
- Objective To study the relationship between the eletronerophysiological changes and prognosis in patients with idiopathic facial palsy. 目的探讨特发性面神经麻痹患者神经电生理变化与预后的关系。
- Conclusion Pathological synkinesia was the marker of severe facial palsy and was related with over-error in regeneration of nerve. 结论病理性联带运动是重度面神经麻痹的标志,与神经再生过误有关。
- The average of ARL of 50 young adults who had normal hearing and no past history of facial palsy was used as a normal standard. 在实际的做法上,先以50例未曾有颜面神经麻痹病史听力正常的年轻男女作检查,求得正常的平均值,并设定一个标准差之内为正常值。
- As to the incidence rate of temporary facial palsy and TMJ pain, in cases of preauricular incision showed higher than those of submandibular incision. 结论:从功能上看耳屏前进路器突骨折-翼外肌解剖复位术明显优于下领升支垂直截骨术;
- Immediate facial palsy was noted after surgery.Repeated ENoG examinations in the following days revealed progressive degeneration of the facial nerve. 尔后经过连续的神经电图检查,结果显示面神经有逐渐变性现象,于是在第4周再手术。
- Objective To explore a methods to repair facial palsy with lower eyelid ectropion using 0rbicularis oculi muscle island flap. 目的:探索应用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣结合颞部眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣治疗面瘫性下睑外翻的一种新方法。
- Methods The facial nerve conduction velocity and EMG on the ill side and healthy side were detected in 48 patients with idiopathic facial palsy. 方法对48例特发性面神经麻痹患者进行患侧与健侧面神经传导速度及肌电图检查。
- Complications included osteonecrosis (n=1), osteitis (n=3), radiation dermatitis (n=2), facial palsy (n=2), and delayed healing (n=2). 全组33例中12例死于肿瘤复发,67.;0%25(8/12)患者于首次治疗后2年内死亡。
- Peripheral facial palsy, deafness, tinnitus, and trigeminal sensory deficit are common presentations.Vertigo as the only clinical feature of AICA infarct is rare. 周边颜面神经麻痹、耳聋、耳鸣及三叉感觉异常为其常见的病徵,但只以晕眩症表现的前下下小脑动脉梗塞更是罕见。
- Among the extracranial complications, mastoid abscess, postauricular fistula, and facial palsy were encountered in 26 (37%), 17 (24%) and 10 (14%) patients, respectiely. 颅外并发症有乳突脓肿(26个,37%25)、耳廓后瘘(17个,24%25)和面瘫(10个,14%25)。
- No evidence has been proved that physical therapy can directly act on nerve regeneration, but it can help patient overcome or compensate those problems following facial palsy. 物理治疗对颜面神经的再生没有任何功效,但却能帮忙解决颜面神经麻痹所带来的困扰。
- Objective:To provide a morphological basis of the extensor hallucis bravis(EHB) and extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) for its transplantation free of nerve in the treatment of cleft palate,epispadias and facial palsy. 目的:旨在为?、趾短伸肌去神经游离移植修复腭裂、腭咽闭合不全、面瘫等提供形态学基础。
- However; a 46 year-old obese female who underwent MI/U surgery for right trigeminal neuralgia suffered from postoperative neurologic deficits consisting of left facial palsy, left total deafness, weakness and numbness of the left arm, and unsteady gait. 然而,有一个四十六岁的胖妇女??治疗右边的三叉神经痛在做了脑神经减压手术后,?生术后的神经功能缺损,其中包含左侧?面神经麻痹,左侧耳聋,左侧手臂无力和麻木,和步态不稳。
- Methods Repairing lower eyelid ectropion of facial palsy by strongering lower eyelid supporting structure with orbicularis oculi muscle island flap and while uplifting the loosed face. 方法:用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣复合颞侧眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣加强下睑修复面瘫性睑外翻,同时利用现有切口提升患侧面部。
- Conclusion: Meridional muscle region puncture significantly increased the therapeutic effect of the acute infranuclear facial palsy patients, and decurtated the delitescence of the R1waves. 结论:经筋刺法对于急性期周围性面神经麻痹患者的疗效显著,可明显缩短R1波的潜伏期。