- Our nnse-off facial cleanser can help you fight off acne. Say goodbye to excess oil and dirt.Say hello to supple skin a natural moisture balance. 泡沫丰盈幼滑,能彻底去除污垢及过剩的油脂分泌,有效预防及控制粉刺,暗疮的形成,并能在肌肤上形成天然的平衡保护膜,使肌肤保持清爽而柔软。
- You can use a gentler,cream-based facial cleanser,and always remember to follow that with a thick moisture. 你可以用比较柔和、霜状基础的洗面奶,而且永远记得洗完脸后要擦上滋润型的保湿霜。
- Purify Facial Cleanser is recommended for all skin types, particularly normal, oily and combination skin and highly beneficial for blemished skin. 净化洁面胶适合所有皮肤类型,尤其是普通,油性及混合性皮肤,并对暗疮形肌肤极为有效。
- Directions: wet face first, apply facial cleanser on palm, blend with warm water and scatter it, gently daub and circle, then rinse off with warm water. 使用方法:先润湿脸部,再将洁面膏在掌心加温水混合打散,轻轻涂抹并打转,然后用温水洗干净。
- Maintaining a clear, healthy complexion requires more than using the right facial cleanser; it requires drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep. 要保持肤色光亮健康,使用适宜的面部洁肤液并不足够,应多饮水和有充足的睡眠。
- I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne. 我总是在我旅行包里放些个人护理产品:走珠止汗露,牙膏,牙刷,漱口水,洗面露,梳子,和一些香水。
- Facial Cleanser, Cleansing Milk, Facial Scrub, Peeling Cream, Dehydrate mask, Aromatherapy Paper mask, Floral Water, Moisturizing Lotion, Hydrafresh Gel, and SPF 15 Lotion are simply your choice. 香薰洁面啫喱、洁面奶、深层洁净磨沙膏、去疤脱皮膏、水份漂白面膜、美白防皱香薰牛奶面膜、花卉爽肤水、特效补湿霜、清爽保湿啫喱及天竺葵防晒霜等产品就是你的选择。
- Powerful yet gentle, this oil-free facial cleanser draws away dirt, debris, make-up, pollutants and excess sebum with magnetized tournaline and La Mer's exclusive Deconstructed Waters. 洁肤乳利用微磁石和海蓝之谜独家磁解水强效洁肤。这些带正电的磁解水,温和吸附脸上的污垢、彩妆、脏空气,而不过度磨损肌肤。
- Skin-care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap, soap, facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle, thus making you skin soft, tender and full of vigor. 以木瓜酶为主成分制成的木瓜白肤香皂、肥皂、洗面奶、沐浴露等美容护肤产品可有效去除死皮,令肌肤鲜嫩柔和,充满活力。
- Rare-earth oatmeal milk facial cleanser 天然泥土燕麦牛奶洁面乳
- No matter what I tried--acne pads, acne ointment, special facial cleansers, masks--nothing seemed to work. 无论我尝试--港口痤疮,青春痘药膏,特别洁面乳,口罩--似乎没有任何工作。
- Certain medications as well as facial cleansers, creams, and types of makeup that irritate the skin may cause or worsen melasma. 某些药物以及面部清洁剂,面霜,化妆会刺激皮肤可能引起或加重黄褐斑。
- She scoured the saucepan with cleanser. 她用清洁剂把锅擦亮。
- Gentle foaming facial cleanser for a normal-to-dry skin type 轻柔泡沫洁面乳
- No, I'm going to get a facial massage. 不,我要去做脸部按摩。
- He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven. 他买了强力清洁剂来清洗油污的炉子。
- The cream dissolves facial hair. 这种化妆品能清除脸上的汗毛。
- I've made an appointment for a facial next week. 我已经预约了下周去美容。