- Factor out long expressions in the middle of statements. 如果长表达式在语句的中间,可以额外提出来。
- It's good programming practice to factor out commonalities in code. 翻译:抽取出我们代码中共性的东西是一个很好的编程习惯。
- Use partial classes whenever possible to factor out the maintained portions. 类以分解出需要维护的部分。
- Cures and preventions: Factor out the common code, if possible; otherwise, update it. 治疗和预防措施:如果可能,分解出公共代码;否则就对其进行更新。
- Use the C# constructor initializer to factor out those common algorithms so that you write them once and they execute once. 使用C%23的构造函数初始化器将这些共同的算法提炼出来,那样的话,你只写一次,它们也只执行一次。
- This means that when inflation is factored out, costs should always decline. 这意味着,不考虑通胀因素,成本仍然会持续下降。
- Even when researchers factor out other influences such as parental attention, many peer-reviewed studies have found casual links between viewing phony violence and engaging in actual violence. 即使研究者分析出了其它影响,例如家庭关怀,许多针对同龄人的评论研究发现,观看虚假的暴力镜头与从事实际暴力活动之间存在着因果关系。
- A further level of generalization is necessary: to factor out the portion of the program that computes the exponential value and define it as a stand-alone function that others can invoke. 进一步的一般化是必要的:将程序中计算幂值的部分提出来,并定义成一个独立的可被调用函数。
- Just as before, we can minimize bugs of this sort by factoring out the common code. 就象以前一样,我们可以通过分解出公共代码来将这种错误控制到最少。
- Of course, this example is one that a beginning programmer would quickly learn to avoid by factoring out the common code. 当然,这个示例所示的错误是编程新手可以很快学会通过分解出公共代码来避免的。
- When each cast is held to this level of scrutiny, you may find yourself factoring out many of these casts by adding methods to the relevant subclasses. 当对每个类型强制转换进行这种级别的详细审查时,您可能会发现通过向相关的子类添加方法,您将许多这些类型强制转换分解了。
- The function, which instantiates the templated object in question is factored out such, that its definition is visible to only one translation unit. 问题在于,对模板对象进行实例化的函数,其定义仅在一个编译单元中可见。
- Often, a collection of data structures can be used together at one level of abstraction, or factored out into a single, higher-level abstraction with a new associated data type. 通常,一组数据结构可以在一个抽象级别上一起使用,或者被分出,成为一个单一的、更高抽象级别的一个新的相关数据类型。
- Relationships indicate that you want to look closely at similar use cases, trying to find commonality that can be factored out into "subset" cases or equivalents. 关系表示您应该密切关注相似的用例,尝试查找共同点,它们可以被分解成“子集”用例或等价物。
- With those factors out of consideration, product developers often have no choice but to focus on optimizing the other elements that are still within their discretion. 由于那些忽略的因素,产品开发者往往没有机会并集中优化在他们考虑范围内的其他因素。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- The problem is people get lazy and start adding methods to a class that are related to the class in some willow wispy way, but would be better factored out into another class. 具有特定标记的函数的名字或者入口地址/函数指针 附加在该函数上的各种整数,字符串或者函数指针的值 拿到之后呢?
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- The deciding factor; the deciding vote. 决定性的因素; 决定性的一票