- That doesn't mean OPEC states don't have their bouts of bickering and failure to abide by production cuts over time -- as members try to protect oil revenue. 这并不意味着欧佩克国家在遵守限产规定时没有过争吵或是失败,成员国都希望保护它们的石油收入。
- Government's failure to implement effective measures to protect HRDs despite demands by concerned organisations can be viewed as a disregard to those demands. 不论这些要求是相关团体或其他人所提出的,政府对于保护人权捍卫者无法做出有效的措施,辨识对于这些要求的漠视。
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失败归于运气不佳。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- The failure to read a bit of stored information. 信息遗失不能读出一部分存储信息
- He laid his failure to his lack of experience. 他把失败归咎於缺乏经验。
- Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny. 在船上不执行命令就是哗变。
- It's our duty to protect the saplings. 保护树苗是我们的责任。
- I impute his failure to laziness. 我把他的失败归咎于他的懒惰。
- A law was passed to protect alien property. 通过了一项法律保护外国侨民的财产。
- These policemen wear helmets to protect them. 这些警察戴着头盔保护自己。
- He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt. 他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。
- He said he regretted their failure to reach an agreement. 他说,他很遗憾,他们没能达成协议。
- Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution. 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。
- Failures to promote social solidarity can have other costs, not the least of which are the social and private expenditures required to protect property and incarcerate criminals. 未能促进社会团结还有其他代价,特别是消耗在保护财产和监禁罪犯的社会和私人资源。
- The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king. 武士们冲进宫里保护国王。
- People gathered to form a militia to protect their town. 人们聚集起来,组成国民自卫队来保卫他们的城镇。
- The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent. 出租人可驱逐不付租金的租户。
- Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'. 没表示否定,其含义可能理解为是肯定的。
- It is obligatory upon us to protect the world from nuclear war. 保护世界免於核子战争是我们的义务。