- There's a fair chance that we might win this time. 这次我们颇有机会能赢。
- A fair chance in life is denied to many women. 很多妇女在生活中没有得到公正的机会。
- He stands a fair chance of going abroad. 他大有出国的希望。
- We stand a fair chance of success. 事情有八成啦。
- Fred doesn't stand a fair chance of being elected. 福瑞德没有获选的可能性。
- I think we stand a fair chance of success. 我认为我们成功的机会很大。
- Mr White was the only doctor in that small town, so that he had a fair chance to earn a living. 怀特先生是那个小镇上惟一的医生,因此他有赚钱的好机会。
- I think you have a fair chance of receiving a scholarship. 我觉得你很有希望获得奖学金。
- She played left-handed to give her opponent a fair chance. 她用左手进行比赛以给对手一个较大的机会。
- The boss gave people a very fair chance for promotions. 该老板给员工一个非常公平的晋升机会。
- There may be fair chance if you will not rule out the use of bulk carrier. 如您不排除使用散装船的话,也许有不少机会。
- I think we stand a fair chance of seeing the Queen arriveatBuckingham Palace. 我想我们很有可能亲眼目睹女王到达白金汉宫。
- It's almost as good as settled. or There's a fair chance of success. 事情有了八成啦。
- Mr White was the only doctor in that small town,so that he had a fair chance to earn a living. 怀特先生是那个小镇上惟一的医生,因此他有赚钱的好机会。
- A few are given a fair chance of winning their primary and general elections, but none is an outright favorite. 其中一部分人得到了在初选和大选中获胜的公平机会,但没有一个人是真正最有希望的获胜者。
- The method of trading publicly so that each trader has a fair chance to buy or sell. 公开交易的方式保证每个交易者有平等买卖的机会。
- President Buchanan had promised the people of Kansas that they would have a fair chance to vote on their constitution. 布坎南总统曾经向堪萨斯人民许诺:堪萨斯人民在他们的州宪法制定过程中拥有公平的表决机会。
- If it pursues sound policies, the West still stands a fair chance, despite its divisions, of thwarting these aims. 如果政策适当,西方世界纵使分歧不断,还是有一些机会挫败这些目的。
- We continuously post our bids and offers at all times, regardless of market conditions, giving you a fair chance to trade during important news events. 我们一直连续发布我们的出价和报盘,而不管市场情形如何,以便在重大消息事件期间给你公平的交易机会。
- Equality of opportunity is a fine ideal generally subscribed to. Who wouldn't agree that everyone should be given the same fair chance? 机遇的平等性是普遍公认的理想观点。谁不同意“人人应该拥有同样公平的机会”呢?