- He can fairly claim to have more. 他可以正当地要求多给些。
- We may fairly claim that our answer is correct. 我们可以光明正大的说我们的回答是正确的。
- A book which may fairly claim to be the last word on the subject. 堪称该课题权威性的书。
- Evaluations have been broadly positive, but their enemies, including the politically powerful teachers' unions, can fairly claim that more research is needed. 这得到了广泛肯定的评价,但其对手,包括有强大政治影响力的教师工会,理直气壮的宣称还得需要更多的调查。
- Provision is also made for division between author and publisher of any payments received for such subsidiary rights as are included in the agreement. a publisher can fairly claim a share in them if they arise from the fact of book publication. 条款还对协议中一些辅助性权利的收益在出版商和作者间作了规定。当收益来自图书出版,出版商完全有权分享该收益。
- But just as biologists can fairly claim to know all the major types of, say, land mammals, astronomers are on the verge of identifying all the major classes of light-emitting objects. 但就像生物学家所宣称,他们能够认识陆生哺乳动物所有的主要类别,天文学家也几乎可以辨识发光天体的所有主要类型。
- A book which may fairly claim to be the last word on the subject 堪称该课题权威性的书
- He submitted a claim to the insurer. 他向保险公司提出索赔。
- She seemed fairly philosophical about the loss. 她对所受损失似乎很看得开。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家。
- Please cut the top fairly short. 请把头顶的头发剪短。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出赔偿损失的要求。
- The men at the party were mostly fairly young. 参加聚会的男子大都非常年轻。
- I can't claim infallibility for this method. 我不敢说这方法绝对有效。
- I make no claim to be a paragon. 我决不认为自己是完人。
- He decided to resign his claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。
- I felt I hadn't been treated fairly. 我觉得我没有受到公正的对待。
- He says his claim is not negotiable. 他说他的要求是不容讨价还价的。