- We must have something to fall back upon. 我们最后总得有点可以依靠的东西。
- It's good to have a friend to fall back upon. 有朋友可以依靠是好的。
- I will cut the wire and fall back upon the bridge as we convened. 我先切断电线,再回头向桥头靠拢,照我们协议的办法干。
- Jude fell back upon his old complaint. 裘德又提起他的旧怨来了。
- We can always fall back upon Bill when we are in difficulties if we can't get anyone else. 遇到困难时,如果找不到别人,我们随时都可以求助于比尔。
- If we are to deal purely with Twain the humorist, we have to fall back upon the details of his art. 假如我们把马克·吐温当作一个单纯的幽默作家来看待,我们得转回头分析他的技巧。
- We are forced to fall back upon fatalism in history to explain irrational events (that is those of which we cannot comprehend the reason). 为了解释这些不合理的现象(也就是说,我们不理解其合理性),必然得出历史上的宿命论。
- Who offends against an uncorrupted man, against a trusting and pure person, the evil will fall back upon such a fool, like minute dust thrown against the wind. 若人冒犯了不应受到冒犯、清净无染者(2),该罪恶返归于愚人,如逆风扬尘。(注2)即阿罗汉。
- And his head, which had been upraised for a moment, fell back upon his breast. 他的头,抬起了一会儿,又落在了胸前。
- Hence, for many it is better not to be too free from temptations, but often to be tried lest they become too secure, too filled with pride, or even too eager to fall back upon external comforts. 从此可知,有时候受些诱惑,为许多人大有益处,能叫他们小心谨慎,不发骄傲,不寻找人间的安乐。
- The sinner boasts of his ancestors, the good man falls back upon his own virtue. 无赖夸耀自己的祖先,好人依靠自己的德性。
- Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon that fool who offends an inoffensive, pure and guiltless man. 若人冒犯了不应受到冒犯、清净无染者(即阿罗汉),该罪恶返归于愚人,如逆风扬尘。
- Helpless and with nothing to fall Back upon 狼狈失据
- He could not turn his back upon helpless travelers. 对孤立无援的旅客,他不忍心拒绝不管。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- Once he made a promise, he would never fall back. 他一是答应了就决不会食言。
- Fall back on old friends in time of need. 在需要时求助于老朋友们
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on. 除了极少量的积蓄外,他没有可以依赖的财源。
- The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through. 人群往后退,让救护车通过。