- He had no tolerance for alcohol, and in the end fell down dead drunk. 他不胜酒力,终于醉倒了。
- He fell back dead. As he died, the dog released its grip and fell down dead with him. 他倒地死了。与此同时,那只狗终于松了口,也倒下来死了。
- Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piecing the defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead. 用了不多的力,箭就飞了出去,恰好射进了它的胃,蜥蜴应声倒下死去了。”
- Finally, Oroonoko stands stoically smoking his pipe while they chop off his nose, ears, and one leg.Then he falls down dead, and they quarter his body before disposing of it. 最后,当他们砍掉奥鲁诺可的鼻子、耳朵和腿的时候,奥鲁诺可仍坚忍地抽著烟斗,但之后便倒地身亡,毕安等人残酷地将王子的尸体切割成四份之后才与以丢弃。
- You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。
- I heard someone fall down the stairway. 我听到有人摔下楼梯。
- He fall down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. 他从楼梯上摔下来,直跌到楼梯底部滚成一团。
- He dropped down dead as a herring. 他倒在地上便气绝身亡了。
- He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。
- The old woman fell down a flight of stairs. 那位老太太从一段楼梯上摔了下来。
- How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt? 从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢?
- The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down. 那小孩学著走路但老是跌跤。
- fall down dead 倒毙
- The worker fell down from the scaffold. 那个工人从脚手架掉了下来。
- I'll catch the rogue if I drop down dead and the old horse as well! 我一定要逮住那个恶棍,哪怕我和这匹老马都累死在路上也罢!
- A boy has fallen down and hurt himself. 一个男孩子摔下来跌伤了。
- I'm afraid the blue sky will fall down on me. 我害怕蓝天落下来砸在我的身上。
- The climber fell down a cleft in the rocks. 爬山者跌入岩石的裂缝里。
- I should fall down and die in the woods. 我宁可倒下来死在森林里了。
- He fell down and broke his ankle. 他跌断了脚踝。