- fall into two lines 排成两行
- They tend to fall into two groups. 他们容易分为两类。
- The railroad divides into two lines here. 铁路在这分成两条。
- Leaders fall into two categories. 领导人被分为两类。
- The essays in this volume fall into two groups. 该文集所收录的文章分成两部分。
- Applicants fall into two categories: Green Form or White Form. 这些计划的申请人可以绿表或白表资格提出申请。
- Most meteorites that have been examined fall into two classes. 大多数检验过的陨石被分成两类。
- These blood substitutes fall into two general types. 这些血液的替代物总的来说分成两类。
- The past six months fell into two distinct periods. 过去6个月可分为两个截然不同的阶段。
- The period falls into two phases. 这个时期又可分为两段。
- This period of history falls into two phases. 这一段历史分为两个阶段。
- Fingerprint truncation Line is defined as the crinkle on the finger surface, which makes the finger lines fall into two parts. If one’s one finger has many truncation Lines, the other fingers may have many truncation Lines too, vice versa. 手指表面的褶皱称为冲击线,冲击线截断指纹的纹线,一个人的一个手指的冲击线多,其他手指往往会或多或少的出现冲击线,一个手指的冲击线少,其它手指的冲击线也很少,甚至没有.
- The results show that, at the points of phase singularities, the Gaussian spectrum is split into two lines, meanwhile the spectral switches occur. 结果表明,在相位奇异点处,高斯型光谱一分为二,出现光谱开关现象。
- In their methodology the classical economists fell into two camps. 古典经济学家的方法论分为两大阵营。
- Kiosks generally fall into two categorical types: transactional and explorational. 信息亭一般分成两类,即交易型和探索型。
- Applicants under the HOS, PSPS and FFSS fall into two categories: Green Form and White Form. 居屋计划、私人参建计划及住宅发售计划的申请人,可用绿表或白表资格提出申请。
- The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups. 调查结果分为截然不同的两组。
- All changes of matter fall into two broad classes: physical and chemical changes. 物质变化分为两大类:物理变化和化学变化。
- Fall into line, please, comrades. 同志们,请排好队。
- The two lines come together at that point. 这两根线在那一点上相交。