- May Day falls on a Sunday this year. 今年“五一”节恰好是星期天。
- National Day falls on a Sunday this year. 今年国庆节刚好是星期日。
- The table shows only values that fall within the date range defined by StartDate and EndDate and that fall on a Sunday. 该表将仅显示由StartDate和EndDate定义的日期范围中的值,以及有关Sunday的值。
- According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year. 按照今年的日历, 我的生日恰好是个星期日。
- Are there any planes to Zurich on a Sunday? 有星期天去苏黎世的班机吗?
- I like to lie in until nine on a Sunday. 我喜欢星期天睡懒觉,一直到9点才起床。
- If the last day of a time period falls on a Sunday or an official holiday, the day after the holiday shall be taken as the last day. 期间的最后一天是星期日或者其他法定休假日的,以休假日的次日为期间的最后一天。
- It shouldn't be that bad on a Sunday afternoon. 星期日下午交通不应该这么糟呀。
- Laws relating to what can or cannot do on a Sunday. 与星期日能做什么不能做什么有关的法律.
- Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。
- He enjoyed a round of golf on a Sunday morning. 他喜欢星期天的上午打一场高尔夫球。
- It is against the law to open the shop on a Sunday. 商店在星期天开门是违法的。
- His birthday fell on a Sunday. 他的生日恰巧是星期日。
- Pearls, large and small, fall on a jade plate. “大珠小珠落玉盘”。
- What are we doing in Church on a Sunday morning? 我们在这儿做甚么?
- The national holiday fall on a Monday. 国庆节是星期一。
- Well,will there are any sunday in June which fall on a chinese auspicious day? 嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢?
- He never opens up shop on a Sunday. 星期日他的商店从不营业。
- He plumped in on a Sunday morning. 他在星期日早晨突然到达。
- Should fall on a sinner with nowhere to go! 降临在一个无处藏身的罪人身上!