- false drop rate 误查率
- Drop rate of Encryption Method skills has been increased. 加密技术的技能书掉率增加。
- Drop rate of Dark Runes in Scholomance has been reduced. 通灵当中的黑暗符文,掉率降低。
- Exploration: the drop rate of datacores in hacking sites has been increased. 探索:黑客站中数据核心的掉率提高。
- Exploration: the drop rate of hacking/ encryption skill books in archaeology sites has been increased. 考古:考古时得到解密/密技能书的概率增加。
- Exploration: the drop rate of hacking/encryption skill books in archaeology sites has been increased. 考古:考古时得到解密/加密技能书的概率增加。
- PC Cafe Premium Service: EXP increased by 50%, Item drop rate increased by 50%, EXP penalty from death reduced by 50%. 网咖专有服务:经验值提升50%25,增加掉落物品机机率50%25,死亡惩罚经验值减少50%25。
- Increase the drop rate at of rarest items. Increase drop rate by 20% when mastered. 增加最稀有道具的掉宝率。当等级达到20时,掉宝率提高20%25。
- The simulation results show that our approach improves the throughput, reduces the end-to-end delay and the packet drop rate. 仿真实验表明,与采用动态负载平衡前相比,吞吐率得到提高,端到端的延迟及丢包率有所降低,网络的性能有了改善。
- The last patch included a fix for a quest bug and the long awaited fix to the drop rate of Opals, Sapphires, and Crystals. 最后片为一个探索虫包含了固定,而且长人等候了对下降蛋白石,蓝宝石和水晶的率的固定。
- Basically, you grind to lvl 45, grind Temple of Flames about 100 times until you get your Unique weapon(disgusting drop rate they say) then you just gank people in Abyss all day. 基本上当你费劲千辛万苦到达45级,刷火焰神庙100次直到拿到橙色武器(那可怜的掉宝率简直令人无法忍受)之后,你就只能整天呆在深渊战场里和人打架。
- That being said, we accelerated the drop rate for the demo, so hopefully players will at least get a good feel for what the loot aspect of the game will be like. 综上所述,加快的掉率为演示,所以希望玩家将至少有良好的感觉到底是为了什么战利品的游戏将会是什么样子。
- It should also be noted for those who aren't aware, last night we applied a hotfix that increased the drop rate for the books, so that should help as well. 要提醒那些还没注意到的人,我们昨晚刚上了个补丁提高了铭文书的掉率,这也会有所帮助。
- You can solo the dragons pretty easy, and the dragons have a pretty good drop rate for Mature Blue Dragon Sinew, an epic hunter’s quest item that sells really well in the AH. 明年可能自己出去创业的比较多,老爸不会花钱投资企业,更不会给我投资。与天斗其乐无穷,与地斗,其乐无穷,与人斗,其乐无穷。弄几个钱,找工作,去外面闯闯,钱差不多了,回来创业。圆了自己的梦想。
- The false alibi threw the police off the scent. 那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索。
- Based on the difference of pressure drop rate in higher and lower permeability zones and the core experiments, the effect of well shut in time on the distr... 研究结果表明,要充分发挥堵剂的封堵作用,选择适宜的注入时间十分重要。
- An unwanted false electronic pulse. 一种不希望有的假电子脉冲。
- She deluded herself with false hopes. 她以虚幻的希望欺骗自己。
- The article has too many false presumptions. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的东西太多。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。