- Table 1. General conditions of the familial hypertriglyceridemia. 表1.;高甘油三酯血症家族一般情况分析
- familial hypertriglyceridemia 家族性高甘油三酯血症
- The bonds of friendship, the familial bond. 友谊的联结,家族的联结
- Troop units were indeed familial in feeling. 军营中的确弥漫着相亲相爱的感情。
- The bonds of friendship,the familial bond. 友谊的联结,家族的联结
- This is a TV drama about familial love. 这是一部关于亲情的电视剧。
- Medullary carcinomas can be sporadic or familial. 髓样癌可以是散在单发,也可以是家族性发病。
- Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. 高甘油三酸酯血症是冠脉疾病的独立风险因子。
- Familial cases have been reported <8> but most cases are sporadic. 家族性的病例曾见报道,但大多数病例是散发的。
- FvL mutation may be a underlying pathogenicity of familial BCS. FvL突变可能是家族性BCS的内因。
- After this, time is like running water, familial inaugurator went. 此后,年华似流水,家族开创者去了。
- This familial history can be traced back to seventeen century. 这个家族的历史可以追溯到十七世纪。
- The children need happy familial environment to grow up healthily. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- Suffer from leukaemia 50% be familial and genetic odds? 患白血病50%25是家族遗传几率?
- Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is an important independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). 流行病学研究表明高甘油三酯血症(hypertriglyceridemia,HTG)是冠心病(coronary artery disease,CAD)的独立危险因素。
- JAPAN has long practised a form of familial capitalism. 日本长期实行着一种家族资本主义的模式。
- Hypertriglyceridemia,adiposity,drunk and lack doing sports are the main factors for fatty liver. 高甘油三酯血症、肥胖、酗酒、少动是脂肪肝的主要相关因素。
- It takes more than familial infighting to excite the populace. 这会带来比家族混战更为激烈的斗争,以此来刺激平民。”
- Familial Calvarial Doughnut Lesions-A Variant of Fibrous Dysplasia? 家族性颅骨圈饼状病灶-纤维性分化不良变异型?
- Here's some good news for people who have high blood triglycerides, also known as hypertriglyceridemia. 对于患有高三酸甘油脂血症,即血液中三酸甘油脂含量过高的人士来说,以下是一些喜讯。