- I have to save some of my salary for old age . 我只好存点工资防老。
- I have to save some of my salary for old age. 我只好存点工资防老。
- Her daughter cared for her in her old age. 女儿在她晚年照料她。
- The nest egg for old age is absolutely critical. 攒一笔钱以备老来之用是绝对必要的。
- It is wise to have some money put away for old age. 为年老而储蓄一些钱财是非常明智的。
- What will she do to provide for old age? 她将怎样防老呢?
- Education is the best provision for old age. 教育是防老的最佳本钱。
- The CPF started off as a savings scheme for old age. 过去,公积金有养老之用。
- Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. 现在就离经叛道。不要一把年纪了才开始穿上紫色。
- The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state. 国家担负起了照料老人的大部份责任。
- Who will care for the house while the family is away? 全家人都不在时,由谁照料这间房子呢?
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. 上了年纪的人这样看待生命,就不会有惧怕死亡的心情了,因为自己关心的一切事件都会继续下去。
- I like him but I don't care for her. 我喜欢他,却不太喜欢她。
- Old age disabled him for hard labour. 年迈使他不能干繁重的工作。
- I'm fond of her but I don't care for her husband. 我喜欢她,但不喜欢她丈夫。
- In the eyes of nature, we are her children, despite procession of adolescence or crippling and stumbling for old age. 在大自然的眼中,我们是她的孩子,尽管我们经历了青春期,叛逆期及年老时的步履蹒跚。
- However the weak social security system is still insufficient to support the rapid huge aging society and the traditional family cares for the aged the pattern face the stern challenge. 然而薄弱的社会保障体系还不足以支撑迅速庞大的老龄化社会,传统的家庭养老模式面临着严峻的挑战。
- Would you care for another piece of cake? 您再来一块蛋糕好吗?
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。