- famous mountain researching 名山研究
- Finally, he ascended the famous mountain with great courage. 他以极大的勇气最终登上了这座著名的山。
- I looked at our computer and saw our flight path would be over this famous mountain. 我看着电脑,看到我们的飞行路线要经过这座著名山峰。
- Aerjin Mountain is a famous mountain range of the southeast reason in Tarim Basin. 阿尔金山是塔里木盆地东南缘的一座有名的山脉。
- Are there any famous mountains and great rivers in the south ? 南方有名山大川吗?
- Our headquarter isestablished by Shizuoka which a town owns the famous mountain----Fujisan. 公司总部设在风景秀美的日本富士山脚下的静冈县。
- Are there any famous mountains and great rivers in the south? 南方有名山大川吗?
- Is there any famous mountains and great rivers in the South? 南方有名山大川吗?
- At the last minute the famous mountain guide Cassin resigned his alpine leadership. 在最后的关键时刻,著名的登山向导卡森(Cassin)出人意料辞去了他的高山领导职务。
- Tianmen Mountain, a famous mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie,has an elevation of 1518.6 meters. 天门山,张家界最早被记入史册的名山,海拔1518.;6米,距市区仅8公里,是张家界最具代表性的自然景观之一。
- We planned to take in Mount Tai and other famous mountains on our trip. 我们计划路程中去浏览泰山等名山。
- Known as the"famous mountain on the sea"and"the unique spot under heaven"it is noted for its sheer peaks, grotesque rocks, ancient caves, cascading waterfalls, flowing springs and verdant trees. 素有"海上名山"、"寰中绝胜"之誉,它以奇峰怪石、古洞石室、飞瀑流泉、层峦叠嶂著称。
- From Zhangjiajie, we traveled to Chengdu, where we climbed a few more famous mountains. 游完张家界之后,我们来到成都,在成都又先后登了几座名山。
- The famous mountains in the country, only Laoshan in the seaside Stubbs to rise. 在全国的名山中,唯有崂山是在海边拔地崛起的。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- Climbers fluffing to famous mountains just like Fuji and Everest leaves tons of garbage behind. 攀登日本富士山和珠穆朗玛峰这些名山的登山者给当地留下了数以吨计的垃圾。
- Famous mountains in various places would find him coming back for revisits during different seasons. 9) 气候变化,他仅稍稍作了一点变通,赴宴时穿了件白色的短礼服。
- It has peculiarly shaped cliffs and odd stones, though not on any list of famous mountains. 这不是名山大川,却有着峭壁怪石那凌空欲飞的景观。
- She has romantic notions about becoming a famous actress. 她心里充满幻想,总希望有一天会成为著名演员。
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。