- fan housing of motor 电机风罩
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行。
- The residence or housing of a prefect. 古罗马或法国高级官员的住宅或房屋
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- Most of motor vehicles run on petrol. 大部分机动车的行驶以汽油作燃料。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- Less power is required to run this kind of motor. 开动这种电机比较省电。
- Selection of Main Fan in Jiner Main Fan House of Xinjing Company 新井公司金二主通风机的选型分析
- The subject of the hour is the housing of the poor. 当前的问题是贫民住宅的问题。
- Inspecting the oil level of motor lubrication. 检查发动机润滑油油面。
- Housing of bleak utilitarianism. 苍白的功利主义的装饰
- The trees outside the windows deprive the house of light. 窗外的树木把房子遮挡得暗然无光。
- Conduction velocity of motor nerves. 电生理学检测运动神经传导速度。
- A new house of any size is now almost invariably symmetrical. 现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。
- Maintains and repairs all types of motor vehicles. 保养及修理各类型汽车。
- The high building deprived their house of sunlight. 那楝高建筑物使他们的房子失去阳光。
- Many a woman sighs for a house of her own. 很多女人都渴望有自己的房子。
- Service standard of motor truck freight transporta. 汽车货物运输质量标准。
- The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am. 下议院凌晨三时仍在开会。