- The Narrative Strategy of Jin Yong's Nov. 金庸小说的叙事策略;
- We probably like loniness. when I was in high school, I liked some characters of jin yong“ du xing ke” cause they are so cool. 人们也许喜欢另类孤独。诚如我读高中的时候,喜欢金庸小说里“独行侠”的角色,因为他们很酷。
- Liu Yifei best known and most popular image in the shooting of Jin Yong Zhang Jizhong two did not play to shape the world of the pyrotechnic gas Qi Nvzai: Xiao Long Nu, Wang Yuyan. 刘亦菲最为人熟知、最让人喜爱的形象,是在张纪中拍摄的金庸剧中塑造的两个没有人间烟火气的奇女子:小龙女、王语嫣。
- The Artistic Charm of JIN Yong's Novel 金庸小说的艺术魅力
- I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。
- Cherishing Deep Love for Life: Aesthetic Appreciation of JIN Yong's Novel 爱生之道:金庸小说的美学审视
- Mr. Jin Yong is a household name in China! 金庸先生在中国可真是家喻户晓啊!
- Jin yong is famous for his books. 金庸因他的书而著名。
- The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol. 那位女演员的崇拜者们伸长了脖子想看一看他们崇拜的偶像。
- Boundless BBS for fans of Shaoyang Xu. 许绍洋爱洋无限论坛。
- The character of “Jin” means entreprenant. “晋”者,上进也。
- Fans of the moive star crowned at the gate. 希望/想看一眼这位明星的影迷挤在了门口。
- Analysis of JIN Yong's female worship and the love mode embodied in his knight-errant novels 论金庸的女性崇拜及其小说中的爱情模式
- Fandom Fans of a serie, movie, etc. 就是影迷啦,某电影或影集的迷。
- Fans of crust punk are called "Crusties". 现在都是可以被认可的。
- In one word, Jin Yong makes the kungfu novel reach a higher realm. 这也使得武侠小说达到了一种更高的境界。
- A group open to all fans of the Providence Bruins. 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- A Complete Gong Fu Literatures of Jin Yong with Comments (Jin Yong Wu Xia Quan Ji - Dian Ping Ben) 金庸武侠全集(评点本)
- No grown woman is a fan of premature ejaculation. 没有一个成熟的女人喜欢早泄。
- Jin Yong's book may compose an antithetical couplet "". 金庸的书可以组成一对联“”。