- The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。
- If I go at all, I want to go somewhere far away. 既然要出去,就要去远的地方。
- The family lived far away from downtown. 那家人住在离市中心很远的地方。
- That star is too far away to see with the naked eye. 那颗星太远,用肉眼无法看见。
- A depiction of a point or an area that is far away. 描述(远方之物)对远方的某一点或某一地区的描绘
- We can talk to those who live far away by telephone. 我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。
- He descried an island far away on the horizon. 他看到遥远的地平线上有个岛屿。
- Far away he could hear trumpeters sounding reveille. 他可以听到远处号兵在吹起床号。
- The flames is spreading to the forest far away. 大火在向更远的森林蔓延。
- Now we raised a ship far away on the horizon. 现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船。
- Home at the place far away from downtown area. 把总部设在远离闹市区的地方。
- Be alert! There's a man spying on us not far away. 当心,有人在不远处窥视我们。
- Letters are a link with friends who live far away. 书信是同住在外地的朋友的一种联系。
- The voice sounded very far away. 这个声音听起来很遥远。
- We are going to choo-choo far away tomorrow. 明天我们坐火车远行。
- We want one far away from the band. 我们想要远离乐队的台。
- He heard the noise of a car far away. 他听见远处传来汽车声。
- His house is far away from the City Hall. 他的家远离市政大厅。
- He descried a plane far away on the horizon. 他看到遥远的地平线上有架飞机。
- He is far away from home and wife and children. 他远离家乡、妻子和儿女。