- Who is that on the far left of the photograph? 相片上最左边的那个人是谁?
- She is on the far left of the party. 她是这个党的极左分子。
- If the orange Le Creuset is on the far left burner. 是否那个橙色的锅在左边的炉子上吗?
- The surface on the far left shows ulceration and hemorrhage. 最左面显示了溃疡和出血。
- The cannon on the far left is being readied to load. 最左侧的大炮正在准备装填。
- Non-infarcted myocardium is present at the far left. 左侧是没有发生梗死的心肌。
- On the far left you will see the sensitivity levels. 在最左边您将看到敏感度等级。
- Voters have not flocked to the far left or the populist right. 选民们并未涌向极左翼或是平民主义右翼。
- Still further left is St. Clare. 更左是克莱亚。
- The most unique and opulent inhabitant is the star Eta Carinae, at far left. 最特别、最华丽的居民就是船底座Eta星,靠近左边。
- He belongs to the far left. 他属於极左派。
- In this single exposure, cool red giant Betelgeuse takes on a yellowish tint as the brightest star at the far left. 这张单次曝光的照片中,庞大的低温红色参宿四泛着黄色,是左边最明亮的星星。
- You can invoke all these options from the system menu (the small icon at the far left of the title bar). 你可以从系统菜单(标题栏最左边的小图标)调用所有的这些选项。
- In the above picture, the orange frame on the far left is from Philips, and the two on the right are from HP. 更厉害的是,还有代理HP的数码相机。图中左边橘色的是他们家做的,右边与传统相框比较接近的,是HP的产品。
- Says 16-year-old Marilena Pecoraro, at far left: 'I don't like being Sicilian.Work is too scarce here. 16岁的玛丽莲娜(最左边)说:“我不喜欢做西西里人,这里工作太难找了。”
- Select row 16, which should contain the new row that you added, by clicking the number 16 on the far left side of the worksheet. 通过单击工作表最左侧的数字16,选择行16,该行应包含已添加的新行。
- The lower esophagus here shows sharply demarcated ulcerations that have a brown-red base, contrasted with the normal pale white esophageal mucosa at the far left. 食管下段显示有边界清楚的溃疡,与左边正常的苍白色食管黏膜相比较,溃疡基底部呈红褐色。
- The German Chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt (far left), meets with Leonid Brezhnev (far right), First Secretary of the Communist Party. 1971年,西德总理布兰特和苏共总书记博列兹涅夫会谈,有报导说当时会议室烟雾缭绕,二人醉眼醺醺。
- Three other RBC's in this smear are also infected with a ring trophozoite.At the far left is a gametocyte of this species. 涂片上另外三个红细胞也被环状滋养体感染,在左边远处为配子体。
- Dione is on the far left of the image, Mimas is in the middle, andEnceladus is on the right.Dione and Enceladusare casting long shadowson the rings. 在图中,土卫四位于最左下方(最大的那个球),中间的是土卫一(光环边缘),土卫二在右方(行星南半球上方的点)。