- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
- farmland reorganization 农地整理
- The once barren hillsides are now good farmland. 昔日荒坡,今日良田。
- All their efforts are pushing towards a reorganization of the prison system. 他们正尽一切努力,以重建一套新的监狱体制。
- A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works. 据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。
- Thirty percent of the farmland has been planted to oil crops. 百分之三十的农田已种上油料作物。
- What is the going price of farmland in Japan? 日本的农田时价是多少?
- The general manager has planned a reorganization of the sales department. 总经理已经计划改组销售部。
- They are working in the farmland. 他们正在农田里工作。
- The reorganization of Guangzhou Ocean Shipping Co. 广远重整之后再出发。
- A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing(out) after it. 一头母牛狂奔着冲过农田,一头公牛吼叫着尾随其后。
- This reorganization is known as a page split. 这种重组称为页拆分。
- The reorganization may lead to staff reductions. 改组后可能导致裁去职员。
- Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shifting sand. 需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭。
- Most direct element ,After reorganization using. 最直接的元素,重组后的使用,
- The farmland was worked by three families. 这块田由三家耕种。
- The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization. 委员会大略说明了改组的方案。
- The crisscross paths on a farmland. 阡陌纵横。
- I looked out over flat expanses of open farmland. 我向外瞭望平坦而广阔的农田。
- The reorganization will give us a whole bunch of problems. 重新改组会给我们带来一连串的问题。