- farrow two litter a year 一年生两窝猪
- "Since the sow's gestation period is only four months, she can farrow two litters a year. New breeds are being developed rather rapidly." 由于猪的妊娠期只有4个月,1年可以产两窝猪仔。现在新品种的培育其实是相当快的。
- I haven't seen him for a year or two. 我有一两年没见他了。
- They get two crops of rice a year. 他们一年收获两季稻。
- The two have been courting for a year. 两人恋爱已有一年之久。
- While the fields are untouched, the voles reproduce rapidly. Voles have 10-12 litters a year with 5-10 young in each litter. 虽然田野看上去并未受损,但田鼠已经快速繁殖,每年每中雌性田鼠要产10-12窝,每窝有5-10只田鼠幼仔。
- A year or two here will round off some of his rough corners. 在那里呆上一两年会使他变得文雅一些。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- Winter is the coldest season in a year. 冬季是一年中最冷的季节。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- Sam and his wife busted up a year ago. 萨姆和他的妻子一年前就关系破裂了。
- The new restaurant fold up in less than a year. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。
- January is the coldest month in a year. 正月是一年当中最冷的月份。
- She had her baby weaned a year later. 她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉。
- August is the eighth month in a year. 八月是一年中的第八个月。
- They get together once a year at Christmas time. 他们每年圣诞节时聚会一次。
- His house was rated at$300 a year. 他的房子估计每年应交300美元的税。
- He and his wife busted up a year ago. 他和他的妻子一年前分居了。
- Jim have not hold down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- He went through a fortune in a year. 他在一年内就花光了一大笔钱财。