- fast power outages 快速断电
- More power outages reported today caused by last week's meteorite strike. 因为上次陨星的坠落,越来越多的停电的报告。
- Major power outages are becoming a common occurrence both in Europe and North America. 在欧洲和北美大停电已成为家常便饭,。
- Explains how system availability and uptime can be affected by AC power outages. 阐述了系统的可用性和运行时间会如何受到交流电断电的影响。
- Almost the entire state of Oklahoma has experienced icy roads and power outages in the past few days. 过去的几天里,几乎整个俄克拉荷马州都经历了道路冰封和电力中断。
- Strong gales also caused power outages on the railway, delaying trains from leaving the Shanghai railway station. 当天的狂风甚至导致铁路列车短时停电、上海火车站列车因此被延误。
- The severe weather also caused power outages from Oklahoma City to western Texas. 恶劣的天气也导致了从俄克拉何马城到西德州断电。
- Chen said owners of a name, have a month to stop 8th Jul record power outages sometimes lasted more than 20 hours. 一位姓陈的业主称,曾经有一个月停8次电的记录,停电时间有时长达20多个小时。
- Transportation snafus and power outages also caused temporary disruption to other supply chains, pushing up prices. 运输混乱以及停电也导致其他供应链的暂时性混乱,推高价格。
- A sysadmin worries about spam, viruses, spyware, but also power outages, fires and floods. 系统管理员,操心垃圾邮件、病毒、间谍软件,乃至电力、火灾以及洪水。
- There will be a power outage tomorrow. 明天要停电。
- A freak storm was to blame for the power outage. 停电的起因是一场特大暴风雪
- FYI, There was a power outage Friday -> Saturday. 周五到周六因断电导致停机。
- Mudslides, floods and power outages, all from the latest storm battering the Northwest. 最近袭击西北部的的暴风雪引发了泥石流,洪水以及能源损耗危机。
- The ice storm caused a power outage. 暴风雪导致了停电。
- Some applications must reliably process queries, without regard to computer failures, power outages, or similar problems. 某些应用程序在出现计算机故障、停电或类似问题的情况下也必须能够可靠地处理查询。
- Local officials say Humberto caused power outages and damage to homes as it made landfall earlier Thursday on the coast of Texas. 当地官员说,飓风温贝托星期四早些时候在德克萨斯州沿海登陆之后导致电力中断并造成房屋损害。
- For network where short power outages are to be expected, the operation of the inverter section is impaired with possible tripping or fuse blowing. 对于短路停电可能会发生的网络,逆变器的运用(功能)因可能发生的跳闸或者保险丝烧断而受损伤(减弱)。
- Continuous rain has wreaked havoc across the south, disrupting traffic and damaging crops, and causing power outages in a few areas. 持续的大雨给南方地区造成了很大的破坏,引起交通混乱,毁坏了农作物,造成了一些地区断电。
- As much as a foot (30 centimeters) of snow hit the United Kingdom last week, setting off an avalanche of flight cancellations and power outages. 上周英国的降雪量约为一英尺(30厘米),造成大量航班被取消以及电力中断。