- Linpan complex fault block oil field, after more than 20 years waterflood development, has already in high water cut period. 临盘复杂断块油田,通过20多年的注水开发,已进入高含水期。
- The prediction of final proved reserves in complex fault block oil fields 复杂断块油田的最终探明储量预测
- fault block oil field 断块油田
- The main features of the crude oil in fault block Shen 84 of Shenyang oil field are high wax content, high pour point, and low contents of gum and asphaltine. 沈阳油田沈84断块原油的主要特点是高含蜡、高凝固点,低胶质和低沥青质含量。
- This paper studies how to develop fault block oil reservoirs with complex lithology and several of oil-water systems. 摘要研究了复杂岩性和多套油水系统、断块油藏的合理开发问题。
- In Taibei Sag,the Jurassic reservoir is major reservoir in Shenquan Oilfield,its reserve accounts for 70% of fieldwide reserve,and the reservoir type is complicated fault block oil pool. 台北凹陷神泉油田侏罗系油藏储量占全油田的 70%25 ,是神泉油田的主力油藏 ,油藏类型为复杂断块油藏。
- Horizontal well geological logging technology for complex fault block oil and gas field 复杂断块油气田水平井地质录井技术的应用
- An oil well blew out in the oil field. 油田里有一口油井发生井喷。
- High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the First Fault Block, the Second Area of Gangdong Oil Field 港东油田二区一断块高分辨率层序地层
- Study of the high resolution sequence stratigraphy of Sha-4 member in Wei-81 fault block,Weicheng oil field 卫城油田卫81断块沙四段高分辨率层序地层学研究
- Pilot Trial of Combination Technique of Secondary and Tertiary Oil Recoveries at Fault Block Tuo-11S of Shengtuo Oil Field 二次采油与三次采油结合技术在胜坨油田坨11南的应用
- Optimizing geological design of horizontal wells in Yong 8 complex fault block oil reservoir 永8复杂断块油藏水平井地质优化设计
- Fine structural interpretation for complex fault block oil reservoirs and its application effect 复杂断块油藏精细构造解释和应用效果
- Remind Oil Distribution and Improvement Production Potential Study on High Water Cut Complex Fault Block Oil Reservoir 高含水期复杂断块油藏剩余油分布及挖潜
- The Seismic Recognition and Description of the Complex Fault Block Oil Reservoir 复杂断块油藏的地震识别与描述
- Lofty derricks dot the landscape in an oil field. 高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色。
- Research of Stable Production Technologies for Low Fluidity Complex Fault Block Oil Deposit in Zaoyuan 枣园低流度复杂断块油藏稳产技术研究
- The Victory Oil Field spread out before us. 胜利油田展现在我们的面前。
- Geologic design and production parameter optimization of the horizontal well in fault block oil reservoir 断块油藏水平井地质设计和生产参数优化
- It is the largest oil field in the United States. 它是美国最大的油田。