- With the network of Fault Recorded Data accomplished, the management and analysis of FRD are very necessary. 随着故障录波信息联网的完成,对录波数据的管理和录波数据的分析显得非常必要。
- The faulting record data gathering、transferring and graphic showing system is designed and implemented with this thought. 电力系统故障录波数据采集传输和图形化显示系统正是根据这一思想,按照实际需要研制和开发的。
- Location of Fault Moment by Wavelet in Ultra-High-Voltage Network Based on Fault Record Data 基于小波理论的超高压电网故障时刻提取
- Integrated Processing System for Power Fault Recording Data 电力故障录波数据综合处理系统
- fault recorder data 故障录波
- The record data is the status code. 记录数据是状态码。
- Pointer to a buffer that contains the record data. 指向包含记录数据的缓冲区的指针。
- Record data and observations accurately. 正确记录分析和观测数据。
- A design of power fault recorder based on the embedded systems was introduced. 介绍了一种基于嵌入式系统的电力故障录波器的设计方案。
- In power system, the quantity of the data recorded by digital fault recorder (DFR) over the period of disturbance incident is very large. 在电力系统中,录波装置记录故障前到系统恢复正常运行状态全过程系统的电气参数,数据量非常大。
- A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use. 为了使用方便,排列记录的数据或磁带的收藏,
- A design of data acquisition system based on PCI bus is presented to overcome the existing shortage of fault recorder for generator-transformer unit,such as few channels,low sampling rate and so on. 目前国内故障录波采集系统设计主要有模块化和集中化两种方案,介绍了这两种设计的主要特点及应用场合,并比较了两者的优缺点。
- Users may process and edit the recorded data. 正式购买者可以对收录资料进行加工和编辑。
- The application of ISP technique in locomotive transient fault recorder using W78E516 MCU and ispLSI PLD is introduced. 介绍了机车瞬间故障记录系统中 ,利用W78E516单片机和Lattice公司ispLSI可编程逻辑器件如何实现在系统可编程功能 (ISP)。
- fault recording data 故障录波数据
- This paper focuses on using UML (Unified Modeling Language) to establish the model of fault recorder device and how to realize the UML model on embedded system. 本文在分析电力系统故障录波装置和嵌入式系统的基础上,引入面向对象建模思想,运用统一建模语言(UML),建立电力系统录波装置的UML模型;
- The attached table records data mentioned above in detail. 这张附表详细的记录了正文所提到的数据。
- The paper formulates the status of recorder device for microcomputers in Karamay oilfield and construction condition of the fault recorder network in Xinjiang and China. 本文主要阐述了克拉玛依油田电网微机录波装置的现状,及疆内、国内微机故障录波网的建设情况,针对克拉玛依电网的实际情况提出建设性意见及方案。
- As the key of analysing the fault and the running condition of power system,how to share and put out the information of fault recorder are very important. 作为分析事故以及研究电网运行状况的关键性数据,故障录波信息数据的共享和对外发布显得尤为重要。