- faulted structural pattern 断裂构造样式
- In other cases, the structural pattern appears disordered. 但在另一些场合它们的构造图式却又显得混杂。
- Diapiric and strike-slip faulted structures are also discussed. 也讨论底辟和走向滑移断层构造。
- The Wulashan gold-bearing ore veins are located within the high grade metamorphicrock area of Late Archean Wulashan Group and are controlled by Wulashan faulted structural zone. 乌拉山含金矿脉赋存于上太古界乌拉山群高级变质岩区,并受控于乌拉山断裂构造带。
- The buried karstification can be divided into three stages and are distributed in areas where faulted structural belts and igneous rocks are well developed. 埋藏岩溶主要存在3期, 在断裂构造带及火成岩区较为发育。
- The irregular structural pattern is intended to bear the strains of the tower's contortions.Mr. 那些不规则结构模式要去承担著大厦的弯曲设计所带来的绷紧。
- Structural pattern of upliftand depression in the Luzhou Paleohigh was changed during the Yanshanian-Himalaya... 预计其油气可能聚集在古隆起区的边缘地带。
- Easement because of its unique right structural pattern and powerful function effect, once again arouses compatriot"s attention. 而地役权由于独特的权利结构模式和强大的功能效应,在土地资源日趋稀缺,土地利用关系日益复杂的情况下,再次为国人所瞩目。
- By means of contrast analysis with geochemistry prospect abnormal, the authors consider that the fault structural remote sensing abnormal and geochemistry prospect abnorm... 与化探异常对比分析,认为断裂构造遥感异常与化探异常可以相互佐证,但不可替代。
- The eastern part of Jilin Province lies across geosynclinal area and platform, f orming appropriate structural pattern, sedimentary formation and magmatic activi ties. 吉林省东部跨槽、台两大构造单元,形成了与这相应的构造样式、沉积建造和岩浆活动。
- For instance, once we have learned how a specific expert solves his problems,this may be used more generally and thereby becomes a rule in structural pattern recognition. 例如,一旦我们知道一个专家怎么去解决他的问题,于是可以把他的方法更一般化,结果形成结构模式识别中的一条规则。
- Based on characteristics of geological structure, faulted structures in the unmined sections are forecasted. 在此基础上对未来区断裂构造的发育进行了初步预测。
- The faulted structure,hydrothermal alteration,gossan,geophysical-geochemical exploration anomalies are comprehensive ore-hunting indicators. 断裂构造、热液蚀变、铁帽、物化探异常为重要的找矿标志。
- The packing of spherical atoms of ions is one of the most fundamental structural patterns of nature. 球形原子或离子的堆积是自然界中一种最基本的结构模式。
- Taking Lijiang city as an example, faulted structure information is extracted with remote sensing digital image processing techniques. 以丽江城市为例,利用遥感数字图像处理技术方法,提取了断裂构造信息。
- Subei basin is a terrestrial facies faulted basin which main body is the Tertiary.It has the typical dustpan like fault structure. 苏北盆地是以第三系为主体的陆相断坳型盆地,具有典型的箕状断陷结构。
- Bamianhe Oilfield is located on Bamianhe faulted structure belt on the eastern section of south slope of Dongying Depression of Jiyang Hollow in Bohai Bay Basin. 摘要八面河油田构造位置处于渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷东营凹陷南斜坡东段的八面河断裂构造带上,其北东与广利洼陷相连;
- We extracting component pattern and structural pattern from the fixed length potential promoter regions, then these patterns are further used in a nonlinear Classification. 首先从固定长度的序列中提取成分特征和结构特征,然后将这些特征输入到一个非线性分类器中进行判别。
- Because of complex fracture system, faulted structures, and rich igneous rocks, SXF area is a representative low signal-to-noise ratio seismic data region in Subei basin. 苏北盆地的SXF地区是典型的低信噪比地震资料地区,断裂系统复杂,构造破碎,圈闭面积小,火成岩发育。
- Mianhuazhou mining area is located in the composite area of Kunlun Mountain anticlinorium and NE NNE trending faulted structure in the mole track, eastern Shandong. 棉花洲矿区位于胶东隆起带,昆嵛山复背斜与NE、NNE向断裂构造的复合部位。