- It stirs one's old Saxon fighting blood, like the tales of "knights who fought against fearful odds" thrilled us in our schoolboy days. 它能激荡撒克逊人传统的战斗热血,就像学童时代“与厄运抗争的骑士”的故事一样使我们童心振奋。
- And fighting the battle of life is fighting against fearful odds, too. There are giants and dragons in every age, and the golden casket that they guard is not so easy to win as it appears in the story books. 人生的斗争与是一场同可怕的厄运的抗争。每个时代都存在世人、苍龙之类的庞然大物,它们所守护的金子根本不可能像小说里描写的那样会被轻易拿走。
- He is by long odds the strongest of the candidates. 在候选人中,他无疑是最强的。
- Please put these odds and ends out of the way. 请把这些零碎东西放到一边去。
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- The horse was running at odds of ten to one. 那匹马参赛赔率是十比一。
- He does odd jobs for me from time to time. 他有时给我干点零活。
- His odds are very poor after he sprained his wrist. 他扭伤了手腕,获胜的可能性极小。
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹马的赔率是五比一。
- He does the odd job for me from time to time. 他偶尔来为我做些零碎的工作。
- This is by all odds the easier way. 这肯定是较为简单的方法。
- A fearful person is a weak person. 怕这怕那的人是软弱的人。
- It's very odd that she didn't reply to our letter. 她没有回我们的信是件很奇怪的事。
- I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。
- I have a fear that we will be late. 我怕我们要迟到了。
- She went a bit odd and had to be put away. 她有点不正常,只好送进了疯人院。
- The horse is running at odds of ten to one. 那匹马参赛赔率是十比一。
- The man does odd jobs in my father's garden. 那人在我父亲的花园里打零工。
- Something rather odd has sprung up. 发生了一桩相当奇怪的事。
- They're constantly at odds with each other. 他们常互相争吵。