- febris hebdomadis [医] 钩端螺旋体病, 秋季热
- Fifteen hebdomadis cases were found in control group.The protection rate of this vaccine reached 100.00%, CI 77.08%-100.00%. 对照组发生七日热群钩端螺旋体病人15例,七日热群钩端螺旋体外膜菌苗有效率100.;00%25,95%25可信限下限77
- That of Canicola and Hebdomadis were all 3.40%.The highest GMT of these serum samples were Icterohaemorrhagiae, Hebdomadis and Canicola, and three kinds of GMT were all 1:53.70. 耕牛血清标本的几何平均滴度(GMT)以黄疽出血群、犬群、七日热群最高,均为1:53.;70。
- Micrococcus tetragenus febris flavae 黄热病四联微球菌, 黄热病四联细球菌
- Mlicrococcus tetragenus febris flavae [医] 黄热病四联细球菌
- Diagnosis and management of the febris in cirrhosis of liver 肝硬化发热的诊断与治疗
- Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Flagellin Gene from Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Lai and Serovar Hebdomadis 问号赖型钩体与七日热型钩体内鞭毛蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析
- hebdomadis 七日热端螺旋体
- hebdomadis Spirochaeta 七日热钩端螺旋体
- Spirochaeta hebdomadis [医] 七日热钩端螺旋体
- Spriochaeta hebdomadis 七日热钩端螺旋体
- Leptospira hebdomadis 七日热钩端螺旋体
- Tetracoccus febris flavae [医] 黄热病四联球菌
- febris enterica 肠热病,伤寒
- febris acmastica [医] 稽留热
- febris acuta [医] 急性发热
- febris amatoria [医] 萎黄病
- febris artificialis [医] 人工发热
- febris biliosa aestatis [医] 恶性弛张热
- febris biliosa remittens [医] 波状热, 黑尿热