- Dispose in accordance with local, sate and federal regulations. 配置与本机符合,心满意足和联邦法规。
- What are the local, state, and federal regulations that need to be heeded? 需要注意的地方、州以及联邦法规有哪些?
- Federal regulations imposed Nox exhaust-emission standards on all 1973 passenger vehicle. 联帮政府的法规又强制规定了所有1973年起的新型载客汽车排放Nox废气污染物的标准。
- As the dissent pointed out, the jury was told it could impose punitive damages even if the defendant had complied with all federal regulations. 正如持异议者所指出的,赔审团被告知即使被告人遵守了所有联邦规章,它照样可以责罚被告支付赔偿金。
- The Court is reluctant to infer preemption merely from the presence of comprehensive federal regulations. 法院不愿意仅仅由于存在内容全面的联邦法规就从中推论出先占权。
- Valid federal regulations have the force of law and preempt state laws and rules. 有效的联邦规章有法律效力并且优于州法律、法规。
- The CFR is divided into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to Federal regulations. 联邦法规被分成50个主题,这些主题代表了联邦法规所属的广泛领域。
- The recall of the 2009 Chevy Traverse is due to a parking brake cable that does not comply with federal regulations. 回顾2009年雪佛兰导线是由于驻车制动电缆,不符合联邦法规。
- First, however, they must pass muster with federal regulators. 不过,这些产品必须首先经过联邦管理人员的检验。
- An example of an official citation to the Code is: 40 C.F.R. pt. 260, which refers to title 40, part 260 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 引用法典的例子有:40 C.;F
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Subpart 2-Toxic and hazardous substance.Code of federal regulations 29(part 1910.10000), 1981, 673-679. 行政院环境保护署(1998)地面水体分类及水质标准,环署水字第0039259号修正。
- There are lot of matter in Code of Federal Regulations: Embodying principles of law, complying with Federal Administrative Procedure Act and relating to speciality fields. 美国联邦法规(CFR)包含的内容广泛,既承接各项法律原则、遵守行政程序法的规定,又涉及专业领域。
- Eric Howes, a company spokesman, says that Maine Yankee will comply with any new federal regulations and would not oppose having the National Guard at the site. 公司的发言人;说缅因扬基将遵守任何新的联邦规章而且不会反对国民警卫队的到来.
- The agency would have authority to overhaul a tangled mess of federal regulations that many financial experts regard as outdated, insufficient and inadequately enforced. 该机构将有权彻底修整一团乱麻般的联邦法规,许多金融专家认为这些法规是过时的、不足的、执行得不彻底的。
- Even with truck sales way down and fuel prices way up, General Motors' heavy-duty pickups have to keep up with changing federal regulations and competitors. 即使在卡车销量下降的方式和燃料价格上升,通用汽车公司的重型卡车必须跟上不断变化的联邦法规和竞争对手。
- Despite all the fanfare by Federal regulators over recent bailouts of sick savings institutions, evidence is mounting that the deals are merely papering over the severe problems plaguing the industry. 不论联邦监管人员最近如何大张旗鼓挽救一蹶不振的储蓄行业,越来越多的证据显示:政府所做仅仅在掩饰困扰该待业的严重问题。
- The Federal regulatory agency established by the CFTC Act of 1974 to administer the Commodity Exchange Act. 依照美国1974年的CFTC法案成立的一个联邦管理机构,其任务是监督商品期货交易所法案的执行。
- Federal regulations prohibit entry into the United States of seeds, plants, unprocessed straw, chaff, and products of the milling process (other than flour) of wheat from countries where Karnal bunt is known to occur. 美国联邦法规禁止从病害发生国家进口种子,植株,未经加工的小麦秆,麦壳和小麦的碾磨产品(不包括面粉),
- The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Regulations by the Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government. 美国联邦制定的规程有下列标题的通用和永久性规则及条例汇总而成。由美国联邦政府的行政部门和机构编制而成的联邦规则。
- TALKING TOKENS In support of federal regulations regarding disabilities, RSA Security provides a talking token that with the press of a button audibly announces the authentication code. 为支持关于无力的联邦规则讲话表征,RSA安全提供一个说话的表征以由于一个按钮的新闻媒体可听见地宣布证明密码。