- Do you lips and tongue feel numb now? 你的嘴唇和舌头木吗?
- My legs feel numb so I can't walk. 我的脚觉得麻痹走不动路。
- Do your lips and tongue feel numb now? 现在你的嘴唇和舌头感到麻了吗?
- How about your sensation of your hands? P: Sometimes I feel numb. 您的手感觉怎样?患:有时感觉有点麻木。
- D: How about your sensation of your hands? P: Sometimes I feel numb. 医:您的手感觉怎样?患:有时感觉有点麻木。
- Let's try acupuncture to see if it produces any effect. Do you feel numb now? 咱们可以试试针刺,看看有效没有?你感到麻了吗?
- D: How about your sensation of your hands?P: Sometimes I feel numb. 40医:您的手感觉怎样?患:有时感觉有点麻木。
- I'm going to give you some novocaine.Do your lips and tongue feel numb now? 我给你打一针普鲁卡因.;你的嘴和舌头麻了吗?
- You are attracted to your partner, and then suddenly you feel numb in his or her presence. 你被你的配偶深深吸引,却突然对他或她的外貌感到麻木。
- Thus, we feel numb, and often in the absence of the time, eager to fly the soul. 于是,我们觉得自己麻木了,时常在没有人的时候,渴望心灵的放飞。
- Do you feel numbness in the area now? 现在患部感到麻木吗?
- At first, the person may feel numb, have diminished emotions, and may only complete routine, mechanical activities. 首先,患者可能感觉麻木、情绪低落,并且可能仅完成例行的、机械的行动。
- Do your arms feel numb? 你胳臂发麻吗?
- D: Do your arms feel numb? 你胳臂发麻吗?
- The left side of his face ached except those parts that felt numb because of the drugged wire holding it together. 他的左脸感到阵痛,用钢丝箍着的地方感到麻木。
- Her mind felt numb and so did her legs, numb as in a nightmare when she tried to run and could not move them. 她觉得脑子已经麻木,两条腿也是这样,想走也走不动,就像在梦魇中似的。
- I feel numb in my right arm. 我觉得右臂麻木。
- Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb. 是的,受伤后伤处僵硬发紫发胀。有时还觉得麻木。
- So this is the Yongding River, he thought, Suddenly he felt tired, his entire right arm ached and felt numb all at once. 这就是永定河呵,他想。 他忽然觉得累了,整个一条右臂又酸又麻。
- The five minutes he had spent with his eyes bandaged seemed to him an hour.His arms felt numb, his legs tottered, he felt as though he were tired out. 他蒙上眼睛待了五分钟,他似乎觉得过了一小时,他两手浮肿,两腿发软,好像疲倦了。