- She felt satisfaction at having her ability recognized. 她因自己的才能得到赏识而满足。
- He felt satisfaction at his ability recognized by his boss. 老板常识他的能力,他对此感到满足。
- He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend's success. 他对朋友的成功表现出真正的满足。
- Elinor's satisfaction at the moment of removal was more positive. 埃莉诺在动身时刻的情绪是较为积极的。
- He nodded with a peculiarly male satisfaction at her capitulation. 对她的屈服,他以一种男人特有的满足感点了点头。
- Measure customer satisfaction at the end of the project. 在项目结束时衡量客户的满意度。
- It softened the edge of his satisfaction at being given a platoon. 他当上排长后的一团兴致,这一下顿时就有点泄气了。
- She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son's achievements. 她因儿子的成就而感到心满意足。
- feel satisfaction at 对…感到满意
- Mucina 穆奇纳
- He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend’s success. 他对朋友之成功表现出真正之满足。
- The teacher expressed her satisfaction at my answer to her question. 老师对我对她的回答感到满意。
- Joseph, who appeared in sufficient distress, expressed satisfaction at my presence. 带着极度悲哀的神情出现的约瑟夫对于我的到来表示满意。
- You have entertained me for many years with airy questions of things that afford no satisfaction at all to the mind. 多年以来你曾用许多虚无缥缈的问题来为我消磨时间。这些问题丝毫不能满足人的心灵需求。
- We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged. 在我们对特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会的工作应该受到鼓励。
- Well,as we both have expressed satisfaction at our previous contract,may I suggest that it be the basis of the new contract? 好吧,鉴于我们双方都对上一项合同表示满意,我能否建议把它作为新合同的基础?
- I assure you that you will feel no pain at all. 我保证你根本不会觉得疼的。
- David feels satisfaction: he wants no more for salvation or delectation. He is delivered, and he is delighted. The covenant is all a man can desire. 上帝赐满足的喜乐:大卫说,除了赐人平安的救恩,他别无所求,他在上帝的永约中,找著自由与释放,获得无比的欢欣喜乐。真的,上帝的约真正满足人心的需要。
- Yet he was rarely in despair. He spoke later of his satisfaction at seeing signs he had designed hanging above a greengrocer's or butcher's shop. 他虽饥寒交迫,但并不气馁。他后来追述当年的心情时说道,在看到自己设计的招牌悬挂在一家蔬菜水果店或者肉店的上方时,他委实感实心满意足。
- Don't you feel any shame at having lied to me? 你对我撒谎一点都不觉得羞耻吗?