- Fall back on old friends in time of need. 在需要时求助于老朋友们
- Luckily she fell back on grass or she might have hurt her head. 幸好她是向后倒在草地上,不然就会伤着头。
- Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on. 除了极少量的积蓄外,他没有可以依赖的财源。
- It's always useful to have something to fall back on. 有点依靠的东西总是有用的。
- At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails. 停电时我们至少可以使用蜡烛。
- If the first plan fails, we can fall back on the second. 如果第一计划失败了,我们还可以依靠第二个计划。
- At least you have your mother to fall back on. 至少你可以依靠你的母亲。
- I still have the heart finesse to fall back on. 我可以依靠红心飞牌。
- He is a man to fall back on in case of emergency. 他是一位在紧急时刻可以向其求助的人。
- I must fall back on what I said previously. 我必须回过头来把以前讲过的东西再谈一下。
- He hide money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on. 他把钱藏在床垫里,以资有些东西作为靠山。
- She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on. 她是真正无家可归--我至少有父母可依靠。
- Fell back on yourself but not others. 靠自己,不要总想依靠别人。
- If their spade break4-1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on. 如果他们的黑桃是4-1, 分配,我就让一墩给那Q。
- In an emergence we can fall back on our savings. 紧急时刻,我们总可以依靠我们的储蓄。
- I have a little money in the bank to fall back on. 我在银行还有一点钱可以需要时动用。
- We've saved a little money to fall back on. 我们存了一点钱以备急时之需。
- He has his rich parents to fall back on. 他可以依靠他有钱的父母。
- He has some notes to fall back on. 求助于,转而依靠。
- You must fall back on what you said at the meeting. 你必须回过来把会上讲的再说一遍。