- I always feel dry in this hot weather. 遇到这种炎热天气我总感到口渴。
- Her throat felt dry and constricted. 她感到喉咙发干发紧。
- I blew my nose when I felt dry in it. 我感到鼻子发干,就擤了擤。
- If your mouth and throat feel dry ,you 're already dehydrated. 如果你的嘴巴和喉咙感到干燥,你已经脱水拉。
- Exposure to the cold wind left my lips feeling dry. 暴露在寒风中,我觉得嘴唇干裂。
- Why does someone feel dry after the usage of nanometer pearl powder? 为什么有的人用纳米珍珠粉后会觉得脸上干?
- Eye skin will easily feel dry since there’s few sebum gland and sweat gland. 由于眼周皮脂腺、汗腺较少而易干燥。
- Mouth The mouth and throat feel dry, furry and generally disgusting. 口 口和喉咙都会感觉干燥,声音嘶哑,通常还有恶心感。
- Hygroscopicity can be good, wearing a feeling dry and comfortable. 吸湿性能好,穿着感觉干爽、舒适。
- These coatings also feel dry to the touch as soon as they are removed from the printer and are not smudged by water droplets. 这种介质刚打印完就会瞬间干燥,并且不会被水滴污染。
- The boy felt dry. 这孩子口渴了。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Periodic the others day (outside dividing menses) , vulva feels dry, sticky sluggish, for infecund period. 周期的其余日子(除月经期外),外阴感到干燥、黏滞,为不孕期。
- I really just use a face wash each morning and a small bit of moisturiser from time to time when its feeling dry. 我就是每天早上用洗面奶而已,觉得皮肤干燥了时不时擦一点保湿霜。
- Alcohol causes blood vessels in the eyes to dilate and dehydration leaves them feeling dry. 酒精也会导致眼部血管扩张,脱水则会令他们感觉干涩。
- Talcum Powder - Which absorbs excess moisture on the skin, leaving it feeling dry and smooth. 滑石粉-有效吸收肌肤上多余水分,让肌肤保持干爽幼滑。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- She felt that his love had always been covered by thick cloudiness. 她觉得他的爱总是笼罩在浓厚的朦胧中。
- Do not apply any skin care products after washing your face and observe how long it takes for your skin to start feeling dry and tense. 洗脸后,不要使用任何护肤品,观察脸部肌肤在多久后会感到乾燥、绷紧。