- Female animals were never hunted. 母的绝对不打。
- She was a complete and substantial female animal. 她确实是一个健壮茁实、味道十足的雌性动物。
- An udder, breast, or teat of a female animal. 雌性动物的乳房或乳头
- A female animal that has not copulated. 没有经过交配的雌性动物
- The affinity between male and female animals is purely sensual, or animalistic. 雄性动物与雌性动物之间的关系只是性与本能,没有爱,没有激情的思想的统一。
- Next, the embryo is placed into the uterus of a female animal. 然后,这个胚胎被放置在一个雌性动物的子宫里。
- Across the U.S., female animals exposed to toxic chemicals are suffering from a flurry of health problems, from shrunken oaries to spontaneous abortions. 在美国,与有毒化学物质接触的雌性动物正遭受许多健康问题,从卵巢萎缩到自发流产。
- A female animal takes responsbility of taking care of the offspring. 雌性动物负责照顾幼仔。
- In addition to harming female animals, endocrine disruptors can cause the "feminization" of males.In Arizona, these chemicals hae shrunken the gonads of largemouth bass and common carp. 除了伤害雌性动物,内分泌干扰物还能导致雄性的“女性化”。
- FSH is a glycoprotein hormone.Its physiological function could promote endometrium growth、ovulating、stimulating follicle develop for female animals and stimulate spermatogenesis for male animals. 卵泡刺激素(FSH)是一种糖蛋白激素,其主要的生理作用是促进雌性动物子宫内膜生长、排卵、刺激多卵泡发育及刺激雄性动物精子发生。
- Modern research on leonurus showed that it has excitation to the female animal's uterus isolated or in vivo which is not anesthetic. 据研究,益母草无论对离体、位及整体不麻醉动物的子宫皆有兴奋作用,子宫的振幅、缩率、张度,无论已孕或未孕均见增加,持续时间颇久。
- Additionally, there are some human female animation errors, specifically when using two-handed weapons or shooting with a ranged weapon. 同时,人类女的一些动画会出现错误,特别是当使用双手武器和使用远程武器进行射击时。
- Indicated for streptococcus disease, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, yellow scours and white scours of young animal, edema, mastitis of female animals, metritis, and puerperal fever etc. 犬猫链球菌病、犬弓形体病、球虫病、幼仔畜腹泻及母畜乳房炎、子宫炎、产襦热等。
- castrathing instrument for female animals 雌动物用去势器械
- Animals are often personified in fairy tales. 动物常在童话中被拟人化。
- instrument for female animals, castrathing 雌动物用去势器械
- Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 给动物注射是兽医的日常工作。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- The female dog bore five whelps. 母狗生了五只小狗。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁?