- female social character 女性社会角色
- It is only the social character of the property that is changed. 这时所改变的只是财产的社会性质。
- She was the first black female social worker at Baragwanath Hospital. 她是巴洛哥瓦纳斯医院里第一位黑人女性社会工作者。
- These are need-to-knows about female social behaviors and body languages, so KEEP THEM IN MIND AT ALL TIME!! 这些是和女性沟通和身体语言中不可不知的部份,所以时常紧记!
- And it falls on the shoulders of sociolinguists to find out the underpinning reasons in line with female social status and female movement. 长期以来,社会语言学家注重女性是言语歧视的受害者,并结合女性社会地位和女权主义运动,试图寻找可以诠释的原因。
- As with most overarching research questions, though, there are many empirical studies yet to be run on the peculiar nature of female social aggression. 虽然多数主要是调查问题,但有很多实证研究也就女性社会攻击的独特本质参与了研究。
- In its social character,this revolution is a bourgeois-democratic and not a proletarian-socialist revolution. 这个革命,按其社会性质说来,是资产阶级民主主义的革命,不是无产阶级社会主义的革命。
- The theory of Fromm's social character is especially important in personality psychology. 弗洛姆的社会性格理论在西方人格心理学中占有特殊的地位。
- The Equal right to employment is a fundamental right to citizens by the constitution, the prerequisite to improve female social class and realize the sexual equality in China. 摘要平等就业权是我国宪法赋予公民的一项基本权利,是提高女性的社会地位,实现男女平等的前提条件。
- These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who came to preindustrial North America. 也就是说,这些种群的出生率、死亡率以及迁徙规律都大大地依赖于种群的密度。
- Easton, D., &Hess, R. (1961), Youth and political system, In Seymour M. Lipset &Leo Lowenthal (Eds.), Culture and social character, , NY: The Free Press.. 曹沛霖、郑世平、公婷、陈峰译(1989);比较政治学;台北市:五南图书出版有限公司。.
- With the continuous improvement of female social status,female English has given more and more influence to American English,therefore,since the 1960s female English has been regarded by American society and it is a subject very worthy to be studied. 随着女性社会地位的不断提高 ,女性英语对美语的影响愈来愈大 ,因此自本世纪 60年代以来一直受到美国社会各界的重视 ,是一个很值得研究的课题。
- David Riesman believed that social character was the lever of social change from the view of social psychology,and revealed the logic of the sprit of capitalism. 理斯曼从社会心理角度探究了社会性格是社会变迁的杠杆,从社会性格的变化揭示了资本主义精神兴衰的逻辑。
- Fromm's Social Character Theory is founded on the base of an understanding of both relationships between human being and material world and that among human beings. 摘要弗洛姆社会性格理论建立在分析人与物质世界的关系和人与人之间的关系双重基础之上,其内容主要包括社会性格的类型和社会性格的特质两个方面。
- From the aspects of the economy,politics and culture,the authors list plenty of historical facts to demonstrate the social character of the Gaoliang of the Madam Xian Age. 从经济、政治、文化等方面列举大量事实论证冼夫人时代高凉的社会性质。
- His status of "social character"is wandering between"torch bearer"and "practitioner",while his "sensibility character"and "power character"have been located in the process of self strengthen of "the personality of intellectuals". 他的“社会角色”身份游弋于“启蒙者”与“实践者”之间 ,“情感角色”、“权力角色”则在“知识分子性”的自觉强化过程中被定位。
- The female dog bore five whelps. 母狗生了五只小狗。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁?
- The male voice is deeper than the female. 男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。
- The male is physically stronger than the female. 男性在身体上要比女性强壮。