- Western feminist translation theory 西方女性主义翻译理论
- The Origin,Development and Present Condition of Canadian Feminist Translation Theory 加拿大女性主义翻译理论的起源、发展和现状
- feminist translation theory 女性主义翻译理论
- This paper advances women's identification on the ground of women translation and the author elaborates it on the base of the modem translation theory and the feminist thoughts. 该文以女性翻译为背景,提出了女性身份认同和界定的社会问题,并以当代翻译理论和女权主义思想为依据,对女性身份认同进行了阐述。
- University College London: Ma Translation Theory and Practice. 翻译理论和实践。
- What Does Nida Enlighten Us with His Translation Theory? 奈达翻译理论引发的启示?
- MA. And my major is translation theory and practice. 硕士学位.;我的专业是翻译理论与实践
- Deconstruction is worthy of attaching importance to translation theory. 摘要解构主义学说是一个值得我们重视的翻译理论。
- To achieve the translators'dominant role in the process of translation, they put forward their feminist translation strategies, even some radical ones, such as supplementing, hijacking, prefacing and footnoting. 为了体现译者的主体性,她们提出了女性主义的翻译策略,包括一些极端的策略,比如增补、劫持、前言和脚注等等。
- The translation theory in light of Relevance Theory is a dynamic interpretation. 关联理论框架下的翻译理论是动态的阐释法。
- Brazilian "cannibalism" translation theory, with H. Campos as its leading exponent, is somewhat unique. 巴西的“吃人”翻译理论别具一格;其主要代表人物是H.
- "Cultural Fax" is the reflection of fidelity, the highest criterion in translation theory. 摘要“文化传真”是翻译理论中最高准则“忠”的体现。
- Since the l950s, Nida's translation theory has roughly experienced three main stages. 摘要奈达翻译理论始自上世纪中叶,主要经历了三个发展阶段。
- This paper points out that the theory of implicature is the theoretical support of translation theory. 摘要本文指出会话含意理论为翻译活动提供了理论上的支撑。
- Translation theorists borrow the then prevailing linguistic models attempting to build a systematic and scientific translation theory. 翻译理论家借用当时的语言学模式企图构建一种系统的科学的翻译理论。
- Then, the paper introduces Habermas' communicative principles to regulate this kind of dialogue which is based on the constructive translation theory. 对此,本文试用哈贝马斯的交往理性原则对该对话理论进行规范和约束,从而从建构主义翻译理论研究方面对该问题做出初步探讨。
- Translation theory is a misnomer,a blanket term, a possible translation, therefore a translation label, for Ubersetzungswissenschaft. 是一本英国人写的翻译理论教材中的一句话,总是拿不定到底是什么意思,请知道的帮下忙。
- With the gradual connection between feminism and translation,it becomes an important problem for both feminist translation and translator's subjectivity to embody the female discourses in translation. 随着女性主义与翻译研究的日益关联,如何在翻译中体现女性话语成为女性主义翻译和体现其译者主体性的一个重要问题。
- Relevance Translation Theory is based on Relevance Theory,involving translation as an ostensive-inferential process as well. 关联翻译理论是在关联理论的基础上建立的,把翻译看成是对原语进行阐释的明示-推理过程。
- The translation theory such as way and skill originated from practice directly guides the actual translation of Manchu and Chinese. 在长期的满文翻译实践中形成的翻译方法、技巧等理论成果,直接指导着满汉翻译实践。