- ferritic roiling 铁索体轧制
- Cash is king as debt markets roil. 在债市动荡的时候,现金就是一切。
- She could not help her tears of gratitude roiling down her face. 她禁不住感激的泪珠沿着面颊流了下来。
- Some of her habits are off - putting but don't let them roil you. 她的一些习惯让人恶心,但最好别烦你
- Ferritic and Martensitic. for Pressure-Containingg Parts. 参考名称: Specification for Steell Castinggs.
- Some of her habits are off - putting but do not let them roil you. 她的一些习惯让人恶心,但最好别烦你
- An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market. 法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。
- Some of her habits are off-putting but don't let them roil you. 她的一些习惯让人恶心,但最好别烦你
- Ferrite Roiling 铁素体轧制
- Macrographic determination of the ferritic or austenitic grain size of steels. 钢的铁素体或奥氏体晶粒度的测度。
- And the beast shall come forth surrounded by a roiling cloud of vengeance. 当时的预言为:伴随滚滚复仇之云,野兽将一往无前。
- The deposited ferritic weld metal shall not contact the austenitic or high-chromium steel cladding. 熔敷的铁素体焊缝金属不应与奥氏体或高铬钢复层接触。
- L. Eldoky and R. C. Voigt, "Fracture of Ferritic Ductile Cast Iron" AFS Trans., vol. 94, pp.621-630, 1985. 陈顺发,"冶金因素对肥粒体基球状石墨铸铁中温脆性破坏影响之探讨",成功大学,博士论文,第三章,1984。
- The machine is made from steel.It's vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress. 本机械为钢板结构,经振动时效消除内应力。
- The bracket of as-cast ferritic nodular iron breaks due to brittle fracture when it is assembled. 摘要铁素体球铁铸件支架在装配时发生脆性断裂失效。
- P92 steel is a new type of ferritic refractory steel which has quickly developed at home and abroad in recent years. P92钢是近年来国内外迅速发展的新型铁素体耐热钢。
- Master FireBall: A roiling ball of fire which explodes on contact, spilling flames into a large volume and setting enemies alight. 高级火球:剧烈燃烧的火球,接触目标时发生大爆炸并大范围的喷射出可以点燃敌人的火焰。
- A soft ferritic stainless steel was introduced which could be manufactured for the commemorative and entertaining coin. 介绍一种可以制作纪念币以及娱乐用币材料的软质铁素体不锈钢。
- Soon after, this roiling slurry bursts across the flatter lowlands, entombing the unsuspecting animals in its path. 说时迟那时快,滚滚泥流汹涌横扫低地平原,途经之处把毫无警戒的动物全数吞没。
- Our company was founded in 1972, is the production of ferritic cast iron pieces can be above the professional factory. 我公司始建于1972年,是生产铁素体可段铸铁件的专业厂。