- ferruginous incrustation 铁质结皮作用
- Salt from the sea have encrust on the dry sand. 海水中的盐分在乾燥的沙子上结成硬皮。
- A coating or an incrustation of filth or refuse. 污垢污物或垃圾的覆盖层或凝结物
- The walls were decorated by incrustation with marble. 墙上镶嵌着大理石的装饰面。
- Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。
- Young branches with dense ferruginous scales. 幼枝具紧密的铁锈色的鳞片。
- A coating or an incrustation of filthor refuse. 污垢污物或垃圾的覆盖层或凝结物。
- Teacher answer says: This is ' incrustation bug ' . 老师回答说:这是‘硬壳虫’。
- To encrust(a ship's hull) with foreign matter, such as barnacles. 缠上使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶
- Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put. 主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。
- Branchlets gray-brown, canescent or ferruginous tomentose. 小枝灰棕色,被灰白毛或者被锈色绒毛。
- To encrust(a ship's hull)with foreign matter,such as barnacles. 缠上使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶
- Fruiting peduncles and pedicels dilating, ferruginous tomentose. 果梗和花梗扩大,被锈色绒毛。
- Seeds reniform, ca. 3 mm, densely ferruginous puberulent. 种子肾形,约3毫米,密被铁锈色。
- Green weed and grey barnacles encrust every part under the sea. 水下的部分则覆满了绿色的海藻和灰色的藤壶。
- A pigeon probably has his Huff Duff in that incrustation above his beak. 鸽子也有它的无线电高频测向仪,也许就是它喙上部的那个硬包吧。
- Nautical To encrust (a ship's hull) with foreign matter, such as barnacles. 缠上:使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶
- Surface scales obvious, white to ferruginous, peltate, ca. 0.2 mm in diam. 表面鳞片明显,白色到铁锈色,盾形,直径约0.;2毫米。
- Branches grayish brown, terete, rugose, ferruginous pilosulose when young. 分枝淡灰棕色,圆柱状,具皱纹,幼时铁锈色具小柔毛。
- Fruit subglobose, ca. 1.5 cm, densely ferruginous tomentose, lenticellate. 果近球形,约1.;5厘米,密被锈色绒毛,具皮孔。