- fiber resonance cavity 光纤谐振腔
- Stress birefringence of optical fiber and mode split within resonance cavity are analyzed by photoelasticity theory. 用光弹学理论分析了光纤的应力双折射问题和谐振腔内模式分裂问题。
- The present invention relates to a tunable photon broad band radio frequency phaser based on a silicon ring resonance cavity, which belongs to the technical field of the optical communication. 一种基于硅基环形谐振腔的光子可调宽带射频移相器,属于光通信技术领域。
- The principle and method of testing oil body humidity are discussed,according to the changed trait in resonance frequency and quality factor of resonance cavity when microwave acting on oil body. 根据微波通过油体后,谐振腔的谐振频率和品质因数均会发生相应的变化的特点,探讨了测量油体湿度的原理及所采取的方法。
- When using a microwave resonator for steam wetness measurements,deposited liquid droplets form a water film on the resonance cavity s inner surface. 微波谐振腔法测量蒸汽湿度时,由于液滴的沉积在谐振腔内壁会形成一层水膜。
- Rely on the human body when singing the chest, head and oral cavity and hypopharyngeal three resonant cavity resonance to broaden and refine the role of the voice. 歌唱时依靠人体的胸腔、头腔和喉咽口腔三大共鸣腔体的共鸣作用来扩大和润色声音。
- The key ingredient to making amplified radiation, Townes realized in the early 1950s, was a resonant cavity. 汤斯在1950年代早期理解到,产生辐射放大的关键在于共振腔。
- microwave resonance cavity perturbation 微波谐振腔微扰法
- microwave resonance cavity sensor 微波谐振腔传感器
- The microwave reflection and absorption effects in epoxy matrix composite ma-terials containning lossy substances and nickel coated carbon fiber resonator have been studied. 研究了含有谐振子和损耗介质的环氧树脂基复合材料对电磁波的反射与吸收效应。
- The laser's basic structure, also called the resonant cavity, is essentially a long tube with mirrors at each end. 激光器的基本结构(也称为谐振腔)实质上是一根两端都有反射镜的长管。
- A strong magnetic field in a resonant cavity is an ideal circumstance for initiating the spins and orbital motions of electrons and nuclei in solids. 谐振腔中的强磁场是激发起固体中电子和原子核的自旋和轨道运动的理想环境。
- Temperature effect on a rectangular resonant cavity is studied, and temperature characters of bi-metals are discussed. 摘要本文讨论了温度对矩形波导谐振腔谐振频率的影响,以及热双金属材料的特性。
- The sound of the resonating cavity cannot be the only determinant of the harmonic response. 共振空腔发出的声音不可能是谐波响应的唯一决定因素。
- Electromagnet and aerodynamic characteristic and the effect of water-film insidesensor of resonant cavity are analyzed. 分析了微波谐振腔的电磁性能和气动性能以及水膜对谐振腔测量误差的影响;
- The underling importance of the Ge quantum dot resonant cavity enhanced photodetector is discussed and its prospects are offered. 最后对上述内容进行小结,并对Ge量子点共振腔增强型光电探测器的应用前景进行了探讨与展望。
- Study on Trace Analysis by Means of Optical Fiber Resonance Raman Spectra 光纤共振拉曼光谱法痕量分析研究
- A novel type of resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) modulator, which is composed of a symmetric RCE modulator and an asymmetric F-P cavity, is proposed. 摘要提出了一种新型的谐振腔增强型(RCE)光调制器结构,该器件采用双腔混合式结构。
- Only when the resonant cavity of microwave plasma thruster (MPT) is under the resonant state,can the microwave energy heat the propellant gas to produce thrust efficiently. 微波等离子推力器(MPT)谐振腔只有在谐振状态下,微波能量才能被高效地用于加热工质产生推力。
- Abstract: The resonant cavity reflector has been used in the backward wave oscillators for producing multi-gigawatt power and operating at low magnetic field. 摘要: 利用模式匹配方法对“冷”谐振腔反射器的反射特性进行了理论分析,推导出了谐振腔反射器的广义散射矩阵。